Core Documents Folder 1 - Proposal Documents
Library homePlanning DocumentsPublic Inquiry - Thornbridge HallCore Documents Folder 1 - Proposal Documents
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- CD1.01 - Phase 1 Habitat Survey by Rachel Hacking
- CD1.02 - Archaeological Desk Based Assessment
- CD1.03 - Written Scheme of Investigation by Archaeological Research Services (January 2022)
- CD1.04 - Transport Statement by Focus TP (November 2021)
- CD1.05 - Tree Survey prepared by Anderson Tree Care (May 2021)
- CD1.06 - Tree Survey prepared by Anderson Tree Care (July 2021)
- CD1.07 - Proposed café plans and elevations (BA21005 03 A)
- CD1.08 - Gate 3 details (BA21005 04)
- CD1.09 - Site layout (Ba21005 02 A)
- CD1.10 - Site location and car park layout (BA21005 01 C)
- CD1.11 - Succession Parkland Tree Planting (M3406-PA-06-V4)
- CD1.12 - Driveway Bund Remediation (M3406-PA-05-V4)
- CD1.13 - Peripheral Parkland Walk (M3406-PA-04-V4)
- CD1.14 - Car Park Layout (M3406-PA-02-V4)
- CD1.15 - Car Park Bund Remediation (M3406-PA-01-V4)
- CD1.16 - Attenuation Pond Layout (M3406-PA-07-V1)
- CD1.17 - Parkland Tree Root Protection Areas (M3406-PA-08-V1)