Decision details

Full Application - Temporary Use Of Land For A Horticultural Show, Including The Erection Of Temporary Structures, On A Yearly Basis, With Associated Operational Development, River Crossings And Other Features And The Creation Of Temporary Show Garde

Decision status: APPROVED (In accordance with officer recommendation with additional or amended condition(s))

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


It was noted that Members had visited the site on the previous day.


The Planning officer reported that since the report was written a further letter of support had been received.  The letter was from Royal Hospital, Chelsea and was summarised for the Committee.  He also set out in more detail the letters of support that were referred to in the report.  The Planning officer recommended an additional condition to the recommendation regarding submission of a scheme of ecological monitoring as requested by the Environment Agency.  Officers felt that a 3 year permission would allow the Authority to retain some control and monitoring and enable them to work with the applicant on any issues that arose from the operation of the show.  Officers noted that Section 66 of Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 establishes that any harm to Listed Buildings gives rise to a presumption in favour of refusal and requires clear and convincing justification.  As the harm is considered by Historic England to be “less than substantial”, the Authority can weigh this harm against the public benefits of the proposal.


The following persons spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Mr R Reynolds, Chatsworth House Trust, Supporter

·         Mr O Jessop, Archaeologist, Supporter

·         Mr J Beresford, local resident and supporter

·         Ms S Biggs, Director General, Royal Horticultural Society, for the applicant.


Cllr Mrs K Potter declared a personal interest as a local bed and breakfast owner.


In response to Members’ queries it was noted that the applicant was unwilling to consider an alternative, less sensitive site within Chatsworth Park.


A motion for approval subject to conditions, including the extra condition regarding ecological monitoring, but for a period of 10 years was moved and seconded.


Members were mindful of the National Park’s statutory purposes and the impacts on the site but considered that with a personal consent to the applicant and conditions including traffic controls and a liaison committee the public benefits of the proposal would outweigh the harms.  The Committee considered that there would public benefits in respect of income that would be spent on maintaining and restoring heritage assets at Chatsworth, the benefits to the local economy and the educational benefits to visitors to the show.


The Director of Conservation and Planning stated that if Members were minded to approve the application a condition requiring the submission of an annual management plan to be submitted and agreed in writing with the Authority would be needed, also conditions regarding annual monitoring of the ecology and archaeology impacts, traffic controls including for construction traffic and the setting up of a liaison committee.


The motion for approval for 10 years subject to conditions was voted on and carried.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:


1.         Temporary permission for ten years, personal to the RHS.

2.         Development to be carried out in accordance with the specified amended plans, subject to the conditions below:




3.         Written scheme of archaeological works to be submitted and agreed and thereafter implemented.

4.         Programme of archaeological monitoring to be submitted and agreed and thereafter implemented.

5.         Limit on excavations above the ‘Cana Duck pond’.

6.         Details of the temporary bridge foundations and footings and bridge deck clearance height to be submitted and agreed and thereafter implemented.

7.         Detailed show removal and site restoration scheme to be submitted and agreed and thereafter implemented.

8.         A scheme of details of dimensions, depth and location of all required groundworks to be submitted and agreed and thereafter implemented.

9.         A scheme of details of the Hay Meadows Project exhibition to be submitted and agreed and thereafter implemented.

10.       A scheme of details of the means of securing the structures on the site to be submitted and agreed and thereafter implemented.


Conservation and Landscape

11.       A scheme of details of the perimeter show site fencing, including any draping, to be submitted and agreed and thereafter implemented.



12.       Traffic Management Plan, including construction traffic, to be submitted and agreed and thereafter implemented.

13.       Temporary car parking provision as shown on the submitted plans to be provided throughout the show period.

14.       No other events to take place at Chatsworth during the show week.


Flood Risk

15.       The development shall be carried out in full accordance with the mitigation measures identified within the submitted Flood Risk Assessment.

16.       Submit, agree and implement scheme to show detailed information of the temporary bridge crossings across the River Derwent.

17.       Scheme of Ecological monitoring of site as requested by the Environment Agency.


Monitoring and Review

18.       A Liaison Committee to be set up to include the Parish Councils.

19.       An Annual Management Plan to be submitted to and approved by the

            Authority, to include a review and assessment of the impact of the show

            and measures to address any issues arising.


Publication date: 28/11/2016

Date of decision: 11/11/2016

Decided at meeting: 11/11/2016 - Planning Committee

Accompanying Documents: