Decision details

Full Application - Erection of mobile timber hen-house on skids, Rocklands, The Bent, Curbar

Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Decision status: APPROVED (In accordance with officer recommendation with additional or amended condition(s))

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Members had visited the site on the previous day.



The Planning Officer informed Members of a correction to the site plan, and  reported that since the submission of the report to committee, a further letter of representation had been received from Mr Nicholson, Curbar Parish Council, which the Officer then summarised.  He also added an additional condition to the recommendation to limit the number of hens to 150 and another one requiring the hen house to be removed when no longer in use for the approved purpose.


The Officer then went on to introduce the report, and informed  Members that a landscaping scheme had been submitted by the applicant, which had yet to be agreed by the Landscape Architect.


Cllr D Chapman & Cllr J Twigg declared personal interests as they knew one of the speakers, Cllr Tibenham as a District Councillor.


The following spoke under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:-


·         Dr Peter Owens, Objector – to Condition 5 only

·         Mr David  Nicholson, Curbar Parish Council, Objector

·         Cllr  John  Tibenham, Objector

·         Mr Tom Cooper, Applicant


Members acknowledged that there was a lot of feeling within the community, but felt that the proposal was not an intrusive feature within the landscape and the setting of Curbar Edge. 


The Officer recommendation without Condition 5 regarding the landscaping scheme, was moved and seconded.


It was agreed to change Condition 6 to remove the wording “these locations will be adjacent to boundary walls or other features and the hen house shall not be situated other than in accordance with the scheme” Further additional conditions were also agreed regarding removal of the hen house when no longer required for agriculture and provision of details of additional electric fencing.


The recommendation to approve the application subject to the conditions as amended was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




To APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions:


1.           The development shall be in complete accordance with the submitted plans and specifications received by the Authority 18 December 2017.


2.           Prior to the building being brought into use or within three months of consent, whichever is the earliest, the external timberwork shall be given an initial stain in a ‘warm grey colour’ and thereafter, other than the use of a clear timber preservative, shall be left to weather naturally. 


3.           There shall be no external lighting of the site.


4.           There shall be no egg sales directly from the site.


5.           Within three months of the decision a plan shall be submitted for written approval by the Authority and implemented showing all locations in which the hen house will be located within the field.


6.           The use of the hen house shall be ancillary to Rocklands.


7.          That the hen house shall be removed, when no longer required for agriculture.


8.          The upper limit of hens to be kept will be 150.


9.          Details of proposed electric fencing to be provided by the applicant and agreed with the Authority.



The meeting was adjourned at 12:00pm for a short break and reconvened at 12:05pm


As there were no speakers registered for Item 8, the Chair brought forward Item 9 for consideration, as the speakers had arrived for that item.

Publication date: 04/04/2018

Date of decision: 09/03/2018

Decided at meeting: 09/03/2018 - Planning Committee

Accompanying Documents: