Decision details

Full Application - Change of Use of barn to rehabilitation centre. The Smithy, Main Road, Eyam

Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Decision status: APPROVED (In accordance with officer recommendation with additional or amended condition(s))

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


As there were no speakers registered for Item 14, the Chair brought forward Item 15  for consideration, as the speaker had arrived for that item.


Members had visited the site on the previous day.


The Officer introduced the report and informed Members that since the report had been written 2 more letters of support had been received, and a bat survey had been carried out during which no bats had been found. The Authority’s Ecologist had recommended a precautionary approach as recommended in the report,  and asked for this to be added as a footnote to inform potential builders .  The Ecologist also asked for a Condition to be added to enhance potential bat use with ridge tile access points.  Further conditions were suggested by the Offcier covering a revised design for the gable door opening, the omission of the plastic roof tile vents in favour of hidden ridge vents and the submission for written agreement of details (including noise output) of any external vents for the endless swimming pool room facility.



The following  spoke under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:


·         Ms Joanne Barnett, Applicant



The Officer recommendation to approve the application  subject to the additional Conditions and Footnote was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




To approve the application subject to the following conditions:



1.        Standard time limit

2.         Development in complete accordance with the submitted ‘1:1250 site plan’ and the amended plans ‘PL¬_01’ and specifications, subject to the following conditions or modifications.

3.         Roof clad with natural gritstone slates

4.         With the exception of the rear window (elevation D) and the large opening on the gable end (elevation A) all windows and doors shall be made of timber.

5.         Agree finish for windows and doors

6.         Rooflights fitted flush with the roof.

7.         Cast metal rain water goods, painted black, on rise and fall brackets.

8.         All glazing in the west facing elevation shall be obscure glazed and permanently so maintained. The upper floor window shall be top hung and open a maximum of 100mm.

9.         The rooflights shall be no less than 1.7m higher than the floor level of the room in which they are located, and this shall be permanently so maintained.

10.       Windows and doors to be recessed from the external face of the stonework no less than 100mm.

11.       The rehabilitation centre hereby approved shall be ancillary to the existing Osteopathy Centre.

12.       No door or window on the front or side facing elevations shall open outwards at ground floor level.

13.       Any permanent disabled ramping to aid pedestrian access via any doorway at ground level shall be wholly contained within the building(s) i.e. there shall be no works within the public highway.  For information the highway boundary is the front face of the walls of the buildings facing Main Road and Little Edge.


14.       Proposed roof tile vents  to be omitted and replaced by ridge vents with alternative hidden venting

15.       Details of plant and extraction for the pool.

16.       Amended door detail for gable end




1.            Prudent working in the event bats are found and mitigation in the form of bat access points in the roof.




Cllrs Chris Carr and Cllr Harold Laws left the meeting at 2.50pm following consideration of this item.



Publication date: 28/06/2018

Date of decision: 15/06/2018

Decided at meeting: 15/06/2018 - Planning Committee

Accompanying Documents: