Decision details

Full Application - Section 73 to vary condition 2 of NP/HPK/0515/0491 to cover the inclusion of a crop drying system for the potato store at Knotlow Farm, Wormhill, Buxton

Decision status: APPROVED (In accordance with officer recommendation with additional or amended condition(s))

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Members had visited the site on the previous day.


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Mr E Ward, Objector

·         Mr J Durward, Objector

·         Mr G Mosely, Applicant.


It was noted that as Cllr P Brady had been in conversation with Mr Ward prior to the meeting he would ask questions relating to the application but would not vote.


The Officer recommendation to approve was moved and seconded subject to minor amendments to condition 3 and 12 and an additional condition 13. The motion was put to the vote and carried.




To APPROVE  the application subject to the following conditions:


1.         Standard time limit


2.         The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in complete accordance with the submitted plans ‘SIDE ELEVATION’, ‘SOUTH ELEVATION’ and specifications, subject to the following conditions or modifications.


3.         Prior to the development hereby approved being brought into use, noise mitigation measures no less effective than those outlined within the submitted Noise Impact Assessment (Peak Acoustics ref: PA482, dated 8th March 2018) shall be implemented, and tested to the written approval of the Authority which shall include submission to the Authority of an appropriate noise mitigation validation report for consideration. If the mitigation is found to be less effective than outlined it will need to be upgraded to be as effective as outlined. Once the results of the Noise Mitigation Validation Report has been found to be satisfactory the building can be brought into use and thereafter the approved mitigation shall be maintained for the life of the development.


4.         Rated noise from the development shall not exceed the background noise levels as determined in the submitted Noise Impact Assessment (Peak Acoustics ref: PA482, dated 8th March 2018), of 27dB(A); when measured (or calculated) at the façade of any noise sensitive premises. Measurements and calculations shall be undertaken in accordance with the procedures outlined in BS4142:2014.


5.         Rated noise from the development shall not exceed the background noise levels as determined in the submitted Report Reference CH1910171NR (Peak Acoustics 17th August 2018), of 36dB(A); when measured (or calculated) at the boundary of any dwelling’s garden. Measurements and calculations shall be undertaken in accordance with the procedures outlined in BS4142:2014.


6.         The sheeting for the roof and walls and the finish of the cowls/vents shall be factory colour-coated to BS 5252 Ref. No. 18B29 and thereafter these shall not be repainted or replaced other than that colour without the prior written approval of the National Park Authority.



7.         The sheeting for the walls shall overlap or replace the concrete panels down to ground level.


8.         The landscaping tree and shrub planting shown on ‘Landscape Plan’ and ‘Landscape Plan Supplementary Details’ which were received by the Authority on the 3rd January 2018 and approved by application NP/DIS/0917/0930 shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding seasons following occupation of the building or completion of the development whichever is the sooner. Any walling or surfacing shown on the plans approved by that decision shall be completed before the building is first occupied. Any trees or plant which die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of a similar size and species or in accordance with an alternative scheme previously agreed in writing by the National Park Authority.


9.         Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 1995, (or any order revoking and re-enacting that order) the building hereby permitted shall not be used for any other purpose other than for the purposes related directly to agriculture as defined by s.336 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


10.       When the building hereby permitted is no longer required for the purposes of agriculture it shall be dismantled, removed from the site and the site shall be restored to its original condition.


11.       The building hereby permitted shall not be used for the rearing or keeping of livestock at any time during the lifetime of the development hereby permitted.


12.       No chemicals shall be brought into the building (hereby approved) for use on the crop stored within or introduced to the crop drying/ventilation system of the building or applied to the crop when stored within the building.


13.       No further alterations to the building.



Publication date: 03/10/2018

Date of decision: 14/09/2018

Decided at meeting: 14/09/2018 - Planning Committee

Accompanying Documents: