Decision details

Full Application - Re-Organisation and Upgrade of the Existing 'Rivendale Holiday Park' to Include Demolition of Existing Site Buildings, Construction of Replacement Facilities and Maintenance/Housekeeping Buildings with Provision of Accommodation in

Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Decision status: APPROVED (In accordance with officer recommendation with additional or amended condition(s))

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


This application had previously been considered by the Committee in May 2019 where it had been agreed to defer it to allow for further clarification of issues.  An amended recommendation for approval subject to a S.106 and conditions had been tabled. 


The Planning officer reported that the Parish Council had submitted objections which stated concern regarding overdevelopment of the site, adequacy of the sewage system, route of the footpath, adequacy of the water supply and traffic impacts.  He also reported that 2 third party representations had been received from existing licence holders which repeated the comments made previously and which had been responded to in the previous report.  Letters of objection had been received from 2 neighbouring cottages regarding noise, impacts on privacy and the natural surroundings and the use of a private lane by campers.


It was noted that the applicant had submitted a draft S.106 unilateral undertaking which would prevent the implementation of any existing consent for the site and had provided further information regarding ecological enhancements and a heritage statement.


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Mr R Langham, Objector

·         Ms E Cass, Agent


Due to concerns including loss of touring sites, over wintering pitches changing to permanent pitches, encouragement of permanent structures and risk of precedent a motion for refusal was moved and seconded.


In response to Members’ queries officers stated that they were not aware of any water supply or sewage problems, the hay meadows would be conditioned and a condition regarding lighting had been included in the amended, tabled recommendation.  It was agreed to include tree houses in condition number 24.  It was noted that if the Committee were minded to approve the application a condition could be included to ensure an architectural and archaeological recording of the existing traditional building was made before it was removed.


It was reported that the application had been re-advertised as a departure from the development plan.  Although the application, if approved, would be a departure from policies it was noted that it was not considered a significant development so would not need to be referred to the Secretary of State.


The motion for refusal was voted on and lost.  A motion for approval as set out in the amended, tabled recommendation and including the amended condition 24 and additional condition regarding the architectural and archaeological recording of the existing traditional building before removal was moved and seconded.  This was then voted on and carried.




That subject to provision of a unilateral undertaking under s106 undertaking to relinquish existing planning permissions and rights, authority be delegated to the Head of Development Management in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of Planning Committee to APPROVE the application, following the conclusion of the advertisement period for the notice advising that the proposal is a departure from the development plan, and no further new material planning issues being raised by representations,  subject to the conditions to control the following matters:


1.    Time limit for commencement.

2.    Development to be carried out in accordance with the amended plans (to be listed).

3.    Holiday occupancy restriction to be placed on all units.

4.    The field barns are to be omitted from the scheme other than the single barn that is only for a replacement bat roost.

5.    Contaminated land remediation to be submitted, approved and implemented if contamination is found during development.

6.    Ecology mitigation to be submitted, approved and implemented.

7.    Facilities building is for use by overnight guests only.

8.    The accommodation within the maintenance building shall be for occasional staff use only and shall not be let to visitors or be a permanent dwelling.

9.    Renewables scheme to be implemented.

10.  Travel plan to be adopted and implemented. 

11.  Materials and colour details of all units to be submitted, approved and implemented. 

12.  Lighting scheme to be submitted, approved and implemented. 

13.  Scheme for grassland enhancement to be submitted, approved and implemented. 

14.  Construction traffic method statement to be submitted, approved and implemented.

15.  Provision and retention of parking spaces. 

16.  Materials and glazing details for new facilities and maintenance buildings to be submitted, approved and implemented.

17.  Drainage strategy to be implemented.

18.  The lodges, cabins and camping pods shall only be sited in accordance with the submitted plans and no units shall be sited elsewhere within the application site.

19.  Total number of lodges and cabins shall not exceed 75 and the number of camping pods will not exceed 25 no other static or touring caravans shall be brought onto the site at any time.

20.  Camping pods shall not include kitchen facilities and shall be no larger than as set out on plans.

21.  Landscaping scheme shall be submitted, approved and implemented

22.  Scheme for protection of trees and replacement to be approved.

23.  Removal waste and demolition materials prior to occupation unless otherwise approved.

24.  No cabins, pods or tree houses shall be replaced without prior written approval.

25.  All cabins shall comply with the definitions of a caravan set out in the Caravan Sites Act 1968.

26.  Architectural and archaeological recording to be completed before removal of existing traditional building.



Publication date: 04/07/2019

Date of decision: 14/06/2019

Decided at meeting: 14/06/2019 - Planning Committee

Accompanying Documents: