Decision details

Full Application - Erection of a 3 Bed, 2 Storey Dwelling with Adjoining Garage, at Field Head, Main Street, Taddington

Decision status: APPROVED (Contrary to officer recommendation)

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


This application had been deferred by the Planning Committee in December 2018 to enable the completion of a Heritage Assessment for the site.


The Planning officer reported that the archaeological assessment had revealed limited value on the site so the second reason for refusal in the original recommendation had been removed.


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Mr G Handley, Applicant


In response to a Member query the Head of Development Management stated that she would provide a summary of affordable local needs application recommendations that had been made to Committee and send to all Members of the Planning Committee.


The recommendation for refusal was moved but not seconded.  Some Members stated that young people should be encouraged to stay within villages and that this outweighed the landscape issues.  A motion for approval subject to conditions was moved and seconded.  Conditions would include a legal agreement for affordable local needs use, time limit of 2 years, development in accordance with plans, sample of walling and roof materials to be approved, design regarding windows and doors, boundary treatment, landscape scheme, scheme for trees, scheme for external lighting, removal of permitted development rights, scheme for carbon reduction and highway conditions.  The motion for approval subject to satisfactory completion of a legal agreement securing the local need and long term affordability with conditions was voted on and carried.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the satisfactory completion of a legal agreement securing the local need and long term affordability and the following conditions:



1.    Time limit of 2 years

2.    Develop in accordance with plans

3.    Submit sample of roof and wall materials

4.    Design of windows, doors etc to be agreed

5.    Boundary treatment

6.    Landscaping scheme

7.    Scheme for trees

8.    Scheme for external lighting

9.    Removal of Permitted Development rights

10.  Scheme for carbon reduction

11.  Highway conditions


Publication date: 04/07/2019

Date of decision: 14/06/2019

Decided at meeting: 14/06/2019 - Planning Committee

Accompanying Documents: