Issue - meetings
Climate Leadership
Meeting: 01/10/2021 - Programmes and Resources Committee (Item 27)
27 National Park England Delivery Plan for Climate Leadership (EF) PDF 336 KB
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The Head of Information and Performance Management introduced the report which updated Members about National Parks England’s delivery Plan for Climate Leadership in National Parks. The Chief Executive confirmed that further updates on the 3 other NPE Delivery Plans would come to the committee as follows:
· December 2021 Nature Recovery
· January 2022 National Parks for All
· April 2022 Future of Farming
The Climate Change Member Steering Group and the National Park Management Plan and Corporate Staregy Member Task and Finish Group were confirmed to be coordinating their work in order to put climate change at the front and centre of the National Park Management Plan.
The Head of Information and Performance Management confirmed that National Park Authorities have begun to work together to establish a baseline of carbon emissions for their National Park. This Authority’s target is to achieve net zero by 2050 at the latest.
Members requested a figure for the budget and staff time currently being dedicated to Climate Change. The Chief Executive confirmed that there is not a simple answer to this as the work was embedded across the Authority, but she would research a “ball park” figure. The Authority was also working with partners to encourage sustainable transport by endeavouring to influence neighbouring developing Local Authority’s Bus Service Improvement Plans, to take visitors into consideration as well as commuters. The CEO requested that Local Authority Members raise this with their constituent authorities.
The recommendation as set out in the report was moved and seconded, put to the vote and carried.
To note how the Authority is currently taking forward National Parks England’s Delivery Plan for Climate Leadership in the Peak District and how it is informing our future National Park Management Plan