Agenda and minutes


Meetings of the Authority and its Committees usually take place at our main offices at Aldern House, Baslow Road, Bakewell, however when necessary meetings may take place at venues other than Aldern House. Details of the venues will be given on the agendas for the meetings when they are published. Our meetings are open to the public but please note that sometimes space is limited and priority given to those participating in the meeting. The meetings will be broadcast live via YouTube and available to view after the meeting via our website. Live meetings and recordings can be viewed using the following link. Recordings are held for 3 years from the date of the meeting:

View live and historical meetings on YouTube

If you wish to make represesentations at a meeting you should contact before 12 noon on the Wednesday before the meeting.

Please get in touch if you need more information.

Venue: Board Room, Aldern House, Baslow Road, Bakewell

Contact: Democratic and Legal Support Team 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence



Public Participation

To note any questions or to receive any statements, representations, deputations and petitions which relate to the published reports on Part A of the Agenda.



Members Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary, personal or prejudicial interests they may have in relation to items on the agenda for this meeting.



Full Application – Erection of One 50kw Wind Turbine, 24.6m to Centre of Hub and Base to Blade Tip Height of 34.2m and Ancillary Building at Slipper Low Farm, Aldwark. pdf icon PDF 191 KB

(NP/DDD/0614/0661 422003/356836 P.5299 SPW/18/08/2014)



The meeting was adjourned at 11.00am for a short break and reconvened at 11.10am.


Full Application – Erection of Local Needs Dwelling on Land North of Lapwing Farm, Across The Lea, Meerbrook pdf icon PDF 141 KB

(NP/SM/0814/0847, P2412, 361358 398817, 26/09/2014/CF)



Full Application – Erection of Agricultural Building on Land off Bramley Lane, Hassop Common, Calver pdf icon PDF 177 KB

(NP/DDD/1213/1144, P.2382, 422989/ 373287 1/9/2014&30/09/2014/CF)



Full Application – Erection of One New Local Needs Dwelling on Land Between Spring Cottage and Brook Roads, Warslow pdf icon PDF 112 KB

(NP/SM/0814/0825, P10859, 408496/358579, 29/09/2014/CF).


PM Attendance

The meeting adjourned at 1.00pm for lunch and reconvened at 1.30pm


Chair:         Mr P Ancell


Present      Cllr D Birkinshaw, Cllr P Brady, Cllr C Carr, Cllr D Chapman, Cllr A R Favell, Cllr Mrs H Gaddum, Cllr Mrs N Hawkins, Cllr H Laws, Cllr A McCloy, Mrs S McGuire, Mr G Nickolds, Cllr Mrs K Potter, Cllr Mrs L C Roberts,Cllr Mrs J A Twigg, Cllr S Wattam and Cllr D Williams.


In accordance with Standing Orders, Members agreed to continue the Committee meeting beyond 3 hours


Full Planning Application – Alterations and Extensions to Hollowford Outdoor Activity Centre, Robinlands Lane, Castleton pdf icon PDF 115 KB

(NP/HPK/0414/0381, P.5910, 14/4/14, 414823 / 383603, JK)



Designation of Dore Neighbourhood Area pdf icon PDF 83 KB



Full Application: Renewal of Consent to Continue Underground Mining of Fluorspar and Associated Mineralisation from the Hucklow Vein System: Application to Vary Conditions 2, 3, 9, 11, 13, 41 and 42 of Planning Permission NP/DDD/1298/620 to Extend the Operational Life of the Mine, Increase Annual Output, Increase Daily Lorry Movements and Extend the Period in which to Undertake and Complete the Final Restoration and Aftercare Provisions, Milldam Mine, Great Hucklow pdf icon PDF 249 KB

(NP/DDD/0913/0838, M5534, 417650 378011, 17/09/2013 /APB)

Additional documents:



Environment Act 1995 Section 96 Schedule 13: Review of Minerals Planning Permissions – Application for Determination of Conditions, Shire Hill Quarry, Woodcock Road, Glossop: Review of Old Mineral Permission Application pdf icon PDF 313 KB

(NP/HPK/1197/168, M9104, 537/9436, 23/07/2012, NH)



Full Planning Application – Replacement of 20m Mast with New 20m Mast, Complete with New Antennas, New Dish Antenna, and Associated Works, Surrey Farm, Hollow Meadows pdf icon PDF 75 KB

(NP/S/0814/0859, P.3743, 12/8/2014, 425857 / 387797, MN)



Planning Appeals pdf icon PDF 63 KB




Exclusion of Press and Public


Prohibition Order

(M6568 NH/DGB/JB)


Appendix 1 Schedule of Conditions - Shire Hill Quarry Glossop



Minute number /14 - Schedule of Conditions


(i) Principles


The ROMP Site

1) For the purpose of the determination of the Review of Old Mineral Permission (ROMP), the term ‘the ROMP site’ shall apply to the whole of the ROMP determination Area as shown  outlined in red on Drawing No: 08080-11-08 (Topographic Survey March 2010).


Reason: To clarify the extent of the site to which these conditions apply.


The Site & Scope of Conditions

2) For the purpose of applying the conditions attached to this determination the term ‘the site’ shall mean all the land within the areas shown outlined in red and all other areas associated with the development shown outlined in blue on the submitted Drawing No: 08080-11-08 (Topographic Survey March 2010).  From the date these conditions come into effect they shall replace all the conditions in planning permission 1986/9/20 dated 12 September 1952.


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of planning.


NB: for the avoidance of doubt the term ‘coming into effect’ where it is referred to in the conditions shall mean within six months of the date of the determination. 


Approved Details:

3) The development shall be carried out only inaccordance with this permission, the application, Environmental Statement, plans and amended plans and information, including:

·         The planning application reference: HPK1197168 with accompanying ROMP Review Proposed Quarry Development Environmental Statement dated July 2012; ROMP Review Proposed Quarry Development:

·         Appendices to Environmental Statement dated July 2012

·         ROMP Review Proposed Quarry Development Supporting Statement dated July 2012, Supplementary Report relating to Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, dated July 2012  

·         Annex 1 (Mineral Questionnaire)

·         08080-11-08 (Topographic Survey March 2010)

·         Phasing plans: drawing number ‘s 08080-11-01 (Working Phase 1),

·         08080-11-02, (Working Phase 2)

·         08080-11-03 (Working Phase 3)

·         08080-11-04 (Working Phase 4)

·         08080-11-05,(Working Phase 5)

0808-11-06b (Working Phase 6)

·         Restoration plans: Figure L10 Revision A  & Figure L11 Revision A

·         Letter from Marchington Stone dated 12th May 2014

·         Parking Area Plan Ref:08080-11-0 dated March 2011

·         Proposed Entrance Plan Ref:08080-11-08




Reason: To ensure that development is carried out in accordance with this permission and the approved documents and drawings.


Decision Notice

4) From the date of their coming into effect, a copy of these conditions, including all documents and plans referred to in them, and any further submissions to, and approvals by the Mineral Planning Authority under these conditions, shall be available for inspection at the site office during working hours, and the terms and conditions of the permission shall be made known to any person(s) given responsibility for the management and control of operations and site operatives


Reason: To ensure that the site operators are aware of the requirements of these conditions throughout the period of the development.


(ii) Timescales



5) The date of commencement of the development for which these conditions are determined shall be the date upon which these conditions come into effect. (See Note (i) to applicants).


Reason: In conformity with Section 91 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended)



6)  The winning and working of minerals and the deposit of mineral waste shall be completed no later than 22nd February 2042. Restoration of the site shall be completed no later than 12 months after the cessation of mineral extraction or 22nd February 2043 whichever is the sooner. For a period of 5 years from the date of completion of restoration, the site shall be managed in accordance with the approved aftercare scheme.


Reason: To comply with Part 1 of Schedule 5 to the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 that requires all planning permissions for mineral working to be subject to a time limit condition.


Notification of Site Activities

7) In the event that no operations are carried out on the site for any period(s) in excess of 3 months the site operators shall notify the Mineral Planning Authority no less than 7 days prior to the resumption of working on the site or should that not be practicable as soon as may be practicable prior to or following re-commencement.



For the Mineral Planning Authority to be aware of period of site activity for the purposes of site monitoring and responding to any inquiry from the general public.



8) The working of the upper top 2 benches of the quarry at the 302 m and 295 m contour levels as identified on Drawing Number 08080-11-01 (Working Phase 1, August 2011) shall be completed within 5 years of the date of these conditions coming into effect.  Subsequent phasing shall be carried out progressively in accordance with the phasing plans as detailed in condition 3.


Reason: To control the duration of development and enable early restoration of the upper benches of the site. 


Hours of Operation

9) a) Except in the circumstances set out at b) below, no operations authorised or required by this permission, including vehicle movements onto and from the site, or within the site shall be carried out on the site except between the following times:

0700 hours and 1900 hours Mondays to Fridays;

0700 hours and 1300 hours Saturdays.


No operations shall be carried out at any other time (s) or on Sundays, Bank Holidays, or other Public Holidays.


b) The circumstances referred to at a) above are as follows:

i. cases of emergencies and safe working practices affecting public safety or site personnel when the hours set out at a) above shall not apply.

ii. emergency repairs to plant and machinery which may be carried out outside the hours set out at a) above, provided no machinery or plant is run or operated


Reason: To control the hours of operation in the interests of local amenity.


(iii) Ancillary Development


Removal of Ancillary Development & Site Clearance

10) All fixed and mobile plant, buildings, structures, machinery and foundations associated with the approved development shall be removed from the site within six months of the completion of the approved mineral development.


Reason: To enable site restructure and in the interest of local amenity.


Appearance of Buildings

11) All external surfaces of ancillary buildings and other structures on the site shall be coloured BS4800:201108B29 Van Dyke Brown and shall be maintained throughout the duration of the approved use, including undertaking any necessary repainting/cladding renewal.


Reason: To reduce the visual impact of the buildings on site.


Restriction of Permitted Development Rights

12) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 3 and Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, or any amending or replacement Order, no fixed plant, installations or machinery, buildings or structures, or buildings or structures in the nature of plant or machinery,  shall be placed or erected on the site except as authorised or required by this permission, or unless separate planning permission is granted by the Mineral Planning Authority for such development pursuant to Part III of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 or any amendment, replacement or re-enactment thereof.


Reason: To enable the Mineral Planning Authority to consider whether any such proposed further development in the site might have an unacceptable impact on amenity and the environment.


Mobile Plant

13) All excavation and other mobile plant when not in use (for the purposes of quarrying) shall be parked or stored on the quarry floor as far as is practicable within a screened location/s.


Reason: In order to minimise the impacts of the development on the landscape, environment and amenities of the area.


(iv) Access & Traffic


Approved Site Access & Egress

14) The sole vehicular access for the development hereby permitted shall be via the existing access as detailed on Drawing No: 08080-11-08 (Topographic Survey) March 2010. No other access shall be used by traffic entering or leaving the site.


Reason: To control access to the site in the interests of local amenity, highway safety and the environment.


Access Design

15) The exit visibility splay of 6m x 15m to the nearside carriageway channel in each direction shall be maintained clear of all other obstructions in excess of 1.0m in height (600mm in the case of vegetation) from the existing site access to the A57.


Reason: In the interests of highway safety.


HGV Movements

16)The total number of lorry movements per day shall not exceed 100 movements (50 into the site, 50 out of the site) on Monday to Friday and 52 movements (26 into, 26 out of the site) on Saturdays. No lorry movements shall take place on Sundays or Bank or Public Holidays.


Reason: In the interests of highway safety and to minimise the impacts of the development on the amenities and environment of the locality.


Traffic Generation Returns

17) A written record shall be maintained of all movements out of the site by heavy goods vehicles (more than 7.5 tonnes gross weight) for the purposes of removing processed stone from the site and shall be made available for inspection by the Mineral Planning Authority on demand at any time.


Reason: To enable the Mineral Planning Authority to monitor the output and generation

of road traffic from the site in the best interest of the local environment and highway



Highway Cleanliness

18) The surfaced access road from the point of access from Woodcock Road (A57) to the point of entry into the quarry (as shown on Drawing No: 08080-1- 08 ‘Topographic Survey’) shall be maintained in a good state of repair at all times throughout the duration of this permission including the infilling of pot holes and shall be kept clean of mud, other dirt, slurry and stones at all times. Measures shall be implemented as necessary to ensure that the public highway is kept free of mud, stone, contaminants and surface water runoff from the site at all times.


Reason: To protect the interests of local amenity, highway safety and the environment.


Site Parking and Manoeuvring

19) Within six months from the date of these conditions coming into effect adequate parking, loading/unloading, turning and manoeuvring areas for vehicles shall be provided on the quarry floor in accordance with the submitted plan ref: 08080-11-0 dated March 2011. The area shall be suitably surfaced and maintained.


Reason: To prevent contamination on the public highway and to prevent parking on the public highway in the vicinity of the site access in the interests of highway safety and local amenity.


Western Access Track

20) No access shall be taken into the ROMP site for the purpose of quarrying along the western boundary access track as shown on Drawing No: 08080-1- 08 (Topographic Survey) March 2010  other than is necessary for the working and restoration of the top 2 benches of the quarry or as may be necessary from time to time for reasons of stability or health and safety concerns


Reason: To enable use of the western access track for the purpose of access to the  top 2 quarry benches for reasons of health and safety and stability of the land and to prevent the continued use of the western track (which falls outside the ROMP boundary) thereafter in association with the quarrying operation


(v) Working Method


Scheme of Operations

21) The scheme shall be carried out in compliance with the submitted phased working Drawings: Nos: 08080-11-01 (Working Phase 1), 08080-11-02, (Working Phase 2) 08080-11-03, (Working Phase 3) 08080-11-04, 08080-11-05, 0808-11-06b, and restoration plans Figure L10 Revision A & Figure L11 Revision A and subject to the provisions of other conditions in this determination.


Reason: To ensure the development is carried out to an approved appropriate standard and in the interests of clarification as to what comprises the approved scheme.


Spatial limit of extraction

22) No mineral extraction shall be carried out outside the limit of extraction as outlined in red and identified on Drawing No: 08080-11-08 (Topographic Survey), March 2010.


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt, and to ensure that the development is carried out in a satisfactory manner in the interests of amenities in the area.


Slope Stability

23) a) Excavation in the vicinity of existing faces shall be undertaken in accordance with the details provided within the Geotechnical Stability Assessment report (prepared by Silkstone Environmental Ltd, March 2012, Rev 2), ‘Conclusions and Recommendations’ including maintaining:

i) a minimum 5m standoff shall be maintained between any operational plant and equipment and the edge of excavation.

ii) rock trap arrangements

iii) 5metre wide benching between subvertical faces (approximately 70 degrees from horizontal) 15 metre high.

b) A Geotechnical Inspection of the quarry slopes shall be undertaken at intervals no longer than 2 years by a competent Engineering Geologist or Geotechnical Engineer and the results of each inspection including an assessment of the stability of the quarry faces and remedial or mitigation measures for the purposes of the slope stability shall be submitted to the Mineral Planning Authority on their request.

c) in the event of quarry face failure and/or slippage as soon as practicable after the event, the Mineral Planning Authority shall be notified and all operations shall cease within the affected area and a geotechnical survey shall be carried out by a geotechnical engineer/Engineer Geologist and submitted to the Mineral Planning Authority with proposals for remedial action before quarrying proceeds within the area affected by instability.


Reason: To minimise the risk of slope instability and to ensure the safety and stability of the quarry environment.



24) A review of the progress of quarrying during the preceding 5 years together with the continued quarry and restoration proposals for the forthcoming 5 years shall be submitted to the Mineral Planning Authority. The first date of the first programme review will be submitted 5 years from the date of the determination of the planning permission.


Reason: To ensure that the Mineral Planning Authority is made aware of the status of development so that it is worked and restored in a progressive manner in accordance with the timescales set out in the approved documents in the interests of the amenities of the area.


Phasing of Working

25) Within Phase 1 of the operations, the tree and vegetated area at the north east corner of the site (at 394500N 405450E) shall be worked in such a manner as to provide for the retention of the vegetation and trees on the outer eastward facing slopes of the hillside for the longest possible period on each level of excavation as far as is safe and practicable.


Reason: To ensure that the site is screened from views from the east and south east and that the trees on the outer eastern facing flank are retained for as long as operationally possible prior to removal to ensure that the operations are screened for as long as practicable.


Mineral Type

26) No mineral shall be worked from the site other than gritstone.


Reason: To restrict mineral extraction to the minerals applied for.


(vi) Output


Annual Returns: Stone Sales

27) The operators shall, no later than 31 January of each year, submit to the Mineral Planning Authority, on a confidential basis, annual returns specifying monthly production records of the following quantities of stone extracted and exported from the site during the preceding year:


a) Any finished dimensional stone products.

b) Any Blockstone.

c) Any slab and miscellaneous stone products.

d) Any Aggregate


Reason: In order that the Mineral Planning Authority can monitor the output of mineral at the site


Rate of Exportation of Stone

28) The total annual sales output of mineral from the site shall not exceed 200,000 tonnes in any calendar year.


Reason: To enable the Mineral Planning Authority proper control over the output of mineral from the site in the best interests of the local environment and highway safety.


(vii) Drainage, Water Protection & Pollution Control


Surface Water

29) All surface water runoff from the site shall be channelled to the settlement ponds as shown on Drawing No: 08080-11-08 (Topographic Survey) except as otherwise required by the provisions of condition 30.


Reason: In the interests of the water environment, pollution control and flood prevention.


Drainage of Access

30) There shall be no surface water drainage from the site onto the public highway.  The drainage works on the access road which have already been undertaken and include:  the digging out of a ditch at an acute angle from the road, above each tarmac lay-by on the access road shall be maintained throughout the duration of the approved development. The measures shall be maintained throughout the duration of the approved development and monitored throughout the approved use of the site. In the event that they fail to intercept and control the surface water further measures as considered appropriate shall be agreed with the Mineral Planning Authority and implemented. 


Reason: In the interests of highway safety and to prevent water getting on the highway.


Contaminated Drainage

31) There shall be no discharge of foul or contaminated drainage from the site into the ground, ground water or any surface waters, whether direct or via soakaways. All necessary measures shall be taken to prevent effluents, oil, fuel or lubricant being discharged to any watercourse, ground water system, underground strata or aquifer.


Reason: In the interests of the water environment, pollution control and flood prevention


Maximum Depth of Working

32) The maximum depth of working shall be restricted to 232m AOD and no working shall take place below the water table.


Reason: To prevent pollution of any watercourse, groundwater, aquifer or reservoir to protect the quality of the water environment and human and other receptors and nature conservation interests from harm and pollution by contaminants. To protect the water environment.


Pollution Control

33) All necessary measures shall be taken and maintained throughout the period of the

approved development to prevent effluents, oil, fuel or other potential pollutants being discharged to any soil, ground, watercourse, groundwater system or underground strata and to prevent the mobility and spread of contaminants.


Reason: To prevent pollution of any watercourse, groundwater, aquifer or reservoir to protect the quality of the water environment and human and other receptors and nature conservation interests from harm and pollution by contaminants.


Storage Facilities

34) All facilities for the storage of oils, fuels or chemicals shall be sited on impervious bases and surrounded by impervious bund walls. The volume of each bunded compound shall be at least equivalent to the capacity of the tank and associated pipework plus 10%. If there is multiple tankage within a bund, the compound shall be at least equivalent to the capacity of the largest tank, vessel or the combined capacity of interconnected tanks or vessels and associated pipework plus 10%. All filling and emptying points, associated valves, vents, tank overflow outlets, pipework, gauges and sight glasses shall be located within the bund or have separate secondary containment. Associated pipework shall be located above ground and protected from accidental damage. All filling points and tank/vessels overflow pipe outlets shall be detailed to discharge downwards into the bund. There shall be no drain through any bund floor or walls. The drainage system of each bund shall be sealed with no discharge to any watercourse, land or underground strata.


Reason: To prevent pollution of any watercourse, groundwater, aquifer or reservoir to protect the quality of the water environment and human and other receptors and nature conservation interests from harm and pollution by contaminants.


Plant and Machinery Oil and Fuel Leaks

35) All mobile plant and machinery and any static machinery used on the site outside of containment bunds shall be regularly checked for leaks of fuel or lubricants and if found leaking shall be repaired prior to further use to prevent spillage and seepage into the ground.


Reason: To prevent pollution of any watercourse, groundwater, aquifer or reservoir to protect the quality of the water environment and human and other receptors and nature conservation interests from harm and pollution by contaminants.


Foul Drainage

36) In the event that there is intent to dispose of foul drainage from the site, a scheme to dispose of foul drainage shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Mineral Planning Authority. The scheme shall be implemented as approved.


Reason: In the interests of the water environment, pollution control and flood prevention.


(viii) Control of Waste


Quarry Waste

37) No waste materials derived from within the site shall be removed from the site. Any overburden/interburden mineral or other waste materials derived from the site during the carrying out of the approved development shall be immediately backfilled where practicable or placed on remnant benches or the quarry floor in accordance with the approved restoration.


Reason:To ensure the recycling of waste materials from the development and the compatibility of site restoration.


Inspection & Maintenance of Settlement Ponds

38) Inspection of the ponds shall be undertaken at least once every 12 months throughout the duration of the development.  Additional inspections of the ponds shall be undertaken during prolonged periods of excessive rainfall. Maintenance and desilting of the ponds shall be undertaken where necessary.  All materials recovered from the settlement ponds such as clay/silt and gritstone shall be placed in the excavations.


Reason: To protect the water environment.


E    (ix) Environmental Dust, Smoke and Fumes Management: Control and Mitigation


Dust Control

39) All operations for the winning and working of materials, restoration works and ancillary operations and development, shall be carried out in a manner to minimise the generation of dust.


Reason: To control dust resulting from the site operations in the interests of local and residential amenity, and the local environment.


Dust Management

40) Dust management shall be carried out in accordance with the mitigation measures set out in the Environmental Statement Air Quality Statement and in accordance with the guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework Technical Guidance (paragraph 23), or any subsequent revision or replacement thereof.


Reason: To minimise and control the generation of dust to protect local residential amenity and the environment.


Burning (Smoke and Fumes)

41) There shall be no burning of rubbish or wastes or other fires on the site.


Reason: To protect local residents and the environment from smoke and fumes.



42) Only ‘low explosives’ in small quantities shall be used on the site in the form of black powder and/or pyro- breaker capsules (expansive rock splitting gas) or other available non-explosive deflagrating agent. Whenever practicable stone shall be loosened and blocks removed and split within the excavations by mechanical means


Reason: To minimise the impacts of the development on the landscape and environment of the area.



(x) Environmental Noise Management: Control and Mitigation


Operation of Mobile Plant and Machinery

43) All plant and machinery shall operate only during the permitted hours and shall be silenced at all times in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendations.


Reason: To control the impact of noise generated by the development and to provide for the monitoring of this impact in the interests of local and residential amenity.


Noise Suppression Measures

44) Efficient silencers shall be fitted to, used and maintained in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions, on all vehicles, plant and machinery used on the site. Save for the purposes of maintenance, no machinery shall be operated with the covers open or removed.


Reason: To control the impact of noise generated by the development in the interests of local amenity.


Reversing Alarms

45) The reversing alarms on all vehicles on the site and visiting the site shall not emit a noise that would have an adverse impact on local amenity. Reversing warning devices shall be either non-audible, ambient-related or low-tone devices.


Reason: To control the impact of noise generated by the development and to provide for the monitoring of this impact in the interests of local amenity.


Noise Limits

46) The noise level attributable to normal site operations measured at any noise sensitive property shall not exceed 55 dB LAeq (1 hour) (freefield).


Reason: To control the impact of noise generated by the development in the interests of local amenity.


47) The noise level attributable to operations on the periphery of the site or at high levels, or in unscreened locations such as soil stripping, the formation, removal or alteration of spoil tips, baffle mounds, screening and storage embankments at the site, measured at any noise sensitive property shall not exceed 70 dB LAeq (1 hour) (freefield) at the surrounding properties for temporary operations not exceeding 8 weeks in any year.


Reason: To ensure the satisfactory development of the site in the interest of conserving the amenity of the area and local residents in particular.


(xi) Control of Site Lighting


Control of Artificial Lighting

48) No artificial lighting equipment shall be installed within the site other than that which has been designed and directed to illuminate only what is necessary for the safe and efficient operation of the quarry and associated works and no lights shall be so positioned or directed as to illuminate land outside the site boundary, or so as to cause disturbance to, or at occupied residential properties.



Reason: To prevent any incident of light pollution.




(xii) Protection of Archaeological Interests


Archaeological Recording

49) No development shall take place within the two undisturbed peripheral zones along the eastern and south-western edges of the site until a programme of archaeological work in accordance with a Written Scheme of Investigation for detailed monitoring of the soil stripping operation within these areas of the site, and the excavation and recording of any archaeological remains that are revealed, has been submitted to and approved by the Mineral Planning Authority in writing.


Reason: To enable sites of archaeological interest to be adequately investigated and recorded.


(xiii) Protection of Ecological Interests


Breeding Birds

50) No soil stripping, vegetation clearance or tree removal shall be undertaken during the bird nesting season (March-August inclusive) unless that work is considered justifiably unavoidable as may be agreed by a representative of the Mineral Planning Authority. The operator shall commission a suitably qualified ecologist to survey each proposed working area for active bird nests prior to any disturbance to trees, other vegetation, ground or spoil mound within that area. Any active birds nests found by the survey and trees and shrubs that contain nesting birds or their active nests shall be left undisturbed until vacated.


Reason: To ensure that the development does not disturb breeding birds, or, if this is likely to happen, that appropriate mitigation measures are in place in the interests of nature conservation.


Provision of Bird Boxes

51) Within three months of the date of these conditions coming into effect the details of 15 nest boxes and their design and location shall be submitted to the Mineral Planning Authority for approval. Once approved the nest boxes shall be erected in the retained woodland.


Reason: To mitigate against the potential loss of nesting sites.


Bats Mitigation & Conservation

52) Within six months of the date of these conditions coming into effect a Bat Mitigation & Conservation Plan shall be submitted to the Mineral Planning Authority for approval and implementation. This shall include a mitigation method statement and shall incorporate (but not exclusively) the measures proposed within Appendix G ‘Bat Report’ Shire Hill Quarry, Woodcock Road, Glossop. On behalf of Marchington Stone Ltd by Ecology Services UK Ltd. Revised report dated 9th July 2012 sections 7.1.2 and 7.2.1.Once approved the Bat Mitigation and Conservation Plan shall be implemented in complete accordance with the approved details set out in the approved plan.


Reason: To ensure that appropriate mitigation and conservation measures are in place in the interests of nature conservation.


Provision of Bat Boxes

53) Within three months of the date of these conditions coming into effect the type, number and location of bat boxes shall be submitted to the Mineral Planning Authority for approval and implementation to the satisfaction of the Mineral Planning Authority.


Reason:To ensure that appropriate mitigation measures are in place in the interests of nature conservation.


(xiv) Protection of Trees and other Vegetation


        Demarcation of Affected Trees and Protection of Other Trees and Shrubs Within the Site

54) No trees or mature shrubs within the site shall be felled, damaged or disturbed without the prior written approval of the Mineral Planning Authority. Prior to the disturbance or felling of any trees or removal of any mature shrubs the trees to be felled shall be clearly marked and the trees as identified together with any mature shrubs within the area to be disturbed by quarrying shall have been checked and agreed as consented to fell or remove by the Mineral Planning Authority. At all times during the carrying out of the approved development and in particular during the site clearance and preparation phases there shall be careful site supervision to ensure that no damage occurs to any other trees or mature shrubs within the site.


Reason: To minimise the impacts of the development on the amenities and environment of the area.


Protection of Trees, Shrubs, Hedgerows and Boundary Features

55) All existing trees, shrubs, hedges, walls and fences on and adjacent to the site boundary shall be retained and protected from disturbance, damage or destruction throughout the approved period of quarrying and stone processing operations and until the restoration of the whole of site, except as may be allowed by this permission. For the purposes of this condition the retained trees, shrubs, hedges and boundary features shall be protected as necessary from the quarrying, stone processing and related operations by the provision of standoffs, with machinery and storage exclusion areas that extend to the edge of all site boundaries


Reason: To ensure that these features are properly maintained and protected for the duration of the development and in the interest of visual amenity and landscape character.


        56) The Mineral Planning Authority shall be given at least seven days’ notice in writing of the commencement of any site operations that will involve the disturbance, damage or removal of trees within the site 


   R  Reason: To minimise the impacts of the development on the amenities and environment of the area.


Conservation of Seed Resource

60) 57) Prior to the removal of any tree vegetation from the site a programme and arrangements for the collection and safe storage of seed of local provenance (i.e. from the site and surrounding woodland) from shrub and tree species for use in the habitat creation within the receptor site shall be implemented in accordance with details which have the written approval of the Mineral Planning Authority.


Reason: To encourage reseeding and provide for an enhanced habitat creation scheme


(xv) Soil Conservation & Protection


Soil Stripping and Handling

58) The Mineral Planning Authority shall be given at least seven day’s notice in writing of the commencement of any phase of soil stripping operations or other movement of soils and soil forming materials.


Reason: To ensure that soils resources are protected and that monitoring arrangements for soil stripping and storage are in place.


Prevention of Trafficking Over Soils

59) No plant or vehicles shall cross any area of unstripped topsoil or subsoil except where such trafficking is essential and unavoidable for undertaking permitted operations. Essential trafficking routes shall be clearly marked on the ground by stakes or other means. No part of the site shall be excavated, traversed, used for a road, for the stationing of plant or buildings, storage of subsoil or overburden, waste or mineral deposit, until all available topsoil and subsoil have been stripped from that part.


Reason: To ensure soils are protected and to prevent unnecessary trafficking of soil by heavy equipment and vehicles that may damage the soil.


Soil Handling Conditions

60) The stripping, excavation, movement, storage, lifting and placement of topsoil, any subsoil that may be encountered, and soil forming materials shall only take place in accordance with the good practice techniques specified in the ‘MAFF (2000), Good Practice Guide for Handling Soils (version 04/00)’ specifically ‘Sheet 1: Soil Stripping with Excavators and Dump Trucks’, ‘Sheet 2: Building Soil Storage Mounds with Excavators and Dump Trucks’, ‘Sheet 3: Excavation of Soil Storage Mounds with Excavators and Dump Trucks’, ‘Sheet 4: Soil Replacement with Excavators and Dump Trucks’, , ‘‘to the extent that these guidance sheets may be relevant to the machinery used in the soil recovery, handling, storage and placement operations. No soil stripping or soil spreading shall take place except during periods of dry weather when the full depth of soil to be stripped or replaced is in a suitably dry and friable soil moisture condition (i.e. non-plastic state) such that damage to its structure is avoided, and the topsoil can be separated from any subsoil and / or the underlying soil forming materials without difficulty.



Reason: To ensure that soil resources are protected and to prevent damage to soils by avoiding movement whilst soils are wet or excessively moist and the preservation of soil resources in the interests of land quality.


Protection of Existing Soil Mounds

61) There shall be no importation of soils to the site from the soil storage and screening mounds which are located immediately north of the ROMP site boundary as shown on Drawing No: 08080-11- 08 ‘Topographic Survey’. The existing mounds shall be retained in their present location and shall remain undisturbed.


Reason: To ensure that the soil screening mounds are protected from disturbance and preserved in situ in the interests ofvisual amenity and health and safety.



(xvi) Restoration and Aftercare



62), A comprehensive scheme (s) for the post-restoration landscaping of any restored areas shall be submitted for the approval of the Mineral Planning Authority on a five yearly basis, save for the first such scheme to be submitted within twelve months of the date of these conditions coming into effect. Thereafter each scheme of progressive landscaping shall be implemented in accordance with the details as approved in writing by the Mineral Planning Authority.  Each landscaping scheme shall generally accord with the Restoration Scheme’ (Figure L11 (Rev A)) and shall include but not be limited to the following:


a) A Phased Habitat creation plan which will incorporate each phase of the development and include: the final contours, gradients and levels delineating the surface topography to be achieved, including the variations in slope, pond formation, aspect and different size substrate areas to be retained or formed.


b) A phased management regime which will cover each phase of the development and include: retention of trees and hedges for the purposes of nature conservation within the site and around its perimeter. Details of the early restoration work to be carried out in the next 5 years.


c) Details of the removal of stockpiles, plant, machinery, buildings, structures, hard standings and roadways within each phase of the development.


d) The drainage of the site, including the arrangements to control water levels on the site and discharge of water from the site within each phase of the development.


e) Details of the proposed hedgerow planting, including species, layout, ground preparation, numbers and distribution of species, size of plants, spacing, method of planting, fencing and other protective measures.  Once approved the hedge shall be planted in the next immediate planting season in the period between October through to March.


Reason: To secure the proper aftercare of the restored land in accordance with Policy MIN1 of the Core Strategy.


Woodland Retention

63) The linking fringe of woodland habitat at Co-ordinates 405450E 394550N around the eastern side of the quarry as shown on Drawing No: 08080-11-01 ‘Working Phase 1’ shall be retained during the lifetime of the mineral permission.


Reason: To ensure the protection of the woodland habitat.


Woodland Management

64) Within twelve months of the date of these conditions coming into effect a Woodland Management Plan covering the whole of the site shall be submitted to the Mineral Planning Authority for approval in writing.  The Woodland Management Plan shall then be implemented as approved by the Mineral Planning Authority. The Woodland Management Plan shall include (but not exclusively):

i) A rationale for the management of the retained woodland over the duration of the development.

ii) Survey and Evaluation of the Habitat

iii) Formulation of strategic management objectives including:

a) to increase the quantity of deadwood where practicable;

b) to control non-native species;

c) to diversify structure;

d) to conserve large, old and veteran trees.


Reason: To ensure the protection of the woodland Habitat.


Translocation of Soils

65) The translocation of soils and woodland field layer vegetation shall be undertaken in accordance with the following method statement:


Donor Site:

i) Turf/soil stripping shall be in the period September to February inclusive except as allowed by Condition 50;

ii) the vegetation and soils shall be excavated to a depth of c15-20cms where present;

Iii) large roots (those over 50mm in diameter large rocks and foreign materials shall be removed from the vegetation/soil prior to transportation.

Receptor Site:

i) The exact boundaries of the reception area including any agreed buffer zone shall be agreed with the Mineral Planning Authority and shall be clearly delineated;

ii) The vegetation/soil shall be loosely tipped then lightly pressed down to provide good contact with the subsoil surface but not compacted or smeared;

iii) There shall be no tracking by vehicles over the newly laid vegetation/soil;

iv) There should be no storage of vegetation/soil between stripping and placement. Both operations shall ideally take place for any individual load within 24 hours. Temporary storage of soils should be avoided if at all possible.

v) The receptor area shall subsequently be planted with seeds gathered from oak trees from the adjacent woodland thereby ensuring local provenance, birch will come in naturally.

vi) Subsequent management of the plantings in the first five years shall include controlling any invasive non–native woody and herbaceous species.



66) a) The restored site shall be subject to a programme of aftercare in accordance with a scheme or schemes which has/have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Mineral Planning Authority. The scheme for the whole site or any part of the site shall be submitted no later than six months prior to the programmed completion of restoration of any part of the site in accordance with condition 62. The submitted scheme(s) shall provide for such steps as may be necessary to bring the land to the required standard for use for nature conservation/natural regeneration and shall include details of:-

a) In the case of land restored for use for nature conservation/natural regeneration:

i) habitat development;

ii) weed control;

iii) watering and draining;

iv) pond margins establishment;

v) wetland maintenance;

vi) maintenance of fencing;

vii) The protection measures for planted areas including trees, hedgerows and woodland;

viii) The management and maintenance of planted areas to secure an 85% survival rate at the end of the aftercare period.


The scheme(s) shall be implemented as approved by the Mineral Planning Authority.


b) The 5 year woodland/nature conservation/natural regeneration aftercare period for the site or each part thereof, shall commence on the date of the written certification by the Mineral Planning Authority that the land concerned has been satisfactorily restored.


c)Records of the nature conservation and amenity aftercare operations shall be kept by the operators throughout the period of aftercare. The records, together with an annual review of performance and proposed operations for the coming year, shall be submitted to the Mineral Planning Authority between 31 March and 31 May each year, and provision shall be made by the operators for annual meetings with the Mineral Planning Authority between June and August each year, to determine the detailed annual programmes of aftercare which shall be submitted for each successive year having regard to the condition of the land and progress in its rehabilitation. Separate meetings shall be arranged to inspect and evaluate progress in the nature conservation and amenity aftercare respectively.


Reason: To ensure that those parts of the site that have been restored are subject to a programme of aftercare that has been approved by the Mineral Planning Authority in the interests of agricultural land quality.


Note 1: These conditions shall come into effect upon the date of final determination of these conditions as defined in paragraph (7), Schedule 13 of the Environment Act 1995


Footnote: The Mineral Planning Authority notes the continued use of the northern access track (which lies outside of the ROMP site boundary) for health and safety reasons. The Mineral Planning Authority has no objection to the permanent retention of the northern access track for land management uses but not for continued quarrying purposes.