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Local Joint Committee

This page lists the meetings for Local Joint Committee.

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Information about Local Joint Committee

The Authority appoints 9 Members to the Committee at its annual Authority meeting in July each year.  The remaining 9 Members of the Committee are appointed by the Authority’s Staff Committee and Union representative(s).


The quorum for a meeting is 4 Authority Members and 4 Staff representatives.  The Chair and Vice Chair roles rotate between the Authority Members and the Staff representatives on an annual basis.


The Committee considers employment issues and meets as required.  Quarterly meetings are provisionally scheduled but only take place when there are relevant issues to consider.  Meetings are usually held on Fridays and can last for 1 – 2 hours and are in person only meetings.  Agendas and reports are published 5 working days before the meeting.


The constitution of the Local Joint Committee can be viewed via the following link:


Local Joint Committee Constitution and Functions