Agenda item

Members Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary, personal or prejudicial interests they may have in relation to items on the agenda for this meeting.


Item 6


Cllr Chris Carr declared a personal interest as he knew the applicant.



Item 8


Cllr Chris Carr declared a personal interest as he knew the applicant.


Mr Robert Helliwell declared a personal interest as he knew the Agent and his daughter worked for the same company.


Cllr Patrick Brady declared that he had received a lot of communications in the past regarding the application site but had not received anything recently.



Item 9


Mr Robert Helliwell declared a personal interest as he knew the family.


Cllr Patrick Brady declared a personal interest as he had spoken to the applicant regarding the planning process as previously declared when the application was before Committee. In addition the Clerk to Peak Forest Parish Council is also the Clerk to Taddington Parish Council.  He also declared that a family member had recently moved into the vicinity.



Item 10


It was noted that all Members knew Cllr Chris Furness, who had given notice to speak as a Member of the Authority.



Item 11


Cllr Patrick Brady declared a personal interest as he was acquainted with the Agent.



Item 12


Mr Robert Helliwell declared a personal interest as he had property within a mile of the application site.



Item 13


All Members declared an interest as the application related to an Authority Property.



Item 14


All Members declared an interest as the application related to an Authority Property.