Agenda item

Full Application - Relocation of the toilet block and extended car park at the Car Park, Coldwell End, Youlgrave


Cllr Andrew McCloy left the room during this item due to a prejudicial interest as member of Youlgrave Parish Council.


Members had visited the site on the previous day.


The Planning Officer introduced the report and clarified that amended plans had been received showing that the proposed site for the toilet block would be clear of any neighbouring properties and alongside open fields and that the access doors had been moved to the car park side of the building in response to objections to the initial  scheme.   The amended plans were re-advertised. Several objectors to the initial scheme confirmed they now had no objections to the amended scheme and no additional objections were received.


Members requested that a condition be added to limit external lighting on the toilet block


The Officer recommendation to approve the application subject to an additional condition was moved and seconded.


There was no information regarding the opening hours of the toilets but this would be    managed by the Parish Council.


The Office recommendation to approve the application subject to the additional condition was voted on and carried.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:


1.    Three year time limit

2.    Development to be carried out in accordance with the amended plans.

3.    Doors to be timber construction

4.    No external lighting unless agreed with the  Authority


Cllr Andrew McCloy return to the meeting


Supporting documents: