Agenda item

Full Application - Partial demolition of linking structure and construction of replacement linking structure. Internal alteration of existing stone stair. Alteration of internal stair and construction of wall in existing ancillary accommodation/barn conversion to provide accommodation for a dependent relative. Removal of stud partitions and partial removal of walling to relocate kitchen. Extension of external terrace and wall. Flue to woodburning stove, External door and external lights at Mitchell Field Farm, Unnamed Road from The Dale to Cam Height, Hathersage


Members had visited the site on the previous day.


The Chair advised that as items 8 & 9 on the agenda were linked, they would be considered together (see also minute 24/19)


The Planning Officer introduced the report and reported that the applicant had withdrawn some sections of the proposal after publication of the report.  These included the sky lights in the converted barn and loss of the shippon wall to allow access for the cloakroom.   


Key considerations were the impact upon significance from replacing the link corridor, currently hidden behind the garden wall, with a visible glazed extension and the impact on the foundations of the barn by the changes to the steps and doorway to the barn from the linking structure.


The following spoke under the Public Participation at meetings scheme:


·         Peter Tavern, Applicant


Members supported the proposal to improve the linking structure due to the environmental impact of the improvement for heating and the opportunity to preserve the listed buildings.


The Planning Officer confirmed that there was no objection to rebuilding the link but there were issues with the design.The development would cause substantial harm in comparison to the public benefit gained from the changes.


Members considered the size of the link which had been dictated by the location of the door in the shippon part of the building and the stairs into the barn.  There were concerns that the size of the link would lead to it being used as a room. 


Members expressed concerns regarding the late changes to the plan and the impact this had on their ability to make a decision as the changes were not clear. 


A motion to defer the item contrary to Officer recommendation was moved to allow for a new report to include the late changes made by the applicant.


The motion to defer the item contrary to Officer recommendation was seconded.


The Planning Officer confirmed that the changes to the link were harmful to the listed buildings and were not outweighed by the benefits of preserving the main buildings.


The motion to defer the item contrary to Officer recommendation was put to the vote and lost.


The Officer recommendation to refuse the application was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




That the application be REFUSED for the following reason:



The proposed development would have a harmful impact upon the significance of Mitchell Field Farm and its setting. There are no public benefits that would outweigh this harm and therefore the proposals are contrary to Core Strategy policies GSP1, GSP3, L1 and L3, saved Local Plan policies LC4, LC6 and LC8 and the National Planning Policy Framework.



Supporting documents: