Agenda item

Members Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary, personal or prejudicial interests they may have in relation to items on the agenda for this meeting.


Item 6


It was noted that most Members had received emails from the following persons:


·         Christine Woodhead,

·         William Middleton, Derwent and Hope Woodlands Parish Council

·         Gareth Smith, Severn Trent Water


A copy of a petition had also been received.


Mr R Helliwell declared a personal interest as he had received 2 emails and a telephone call from William Middleton and also he was acquainted with the Chair and Secretary of Derwent and Hope Woodlands Parish Council.


Cllr D Chapman declared a personal interest as he knew two of the speakers, Gillian Scotford and Anne Robinson as did Cllr. K Potter who was also a member of CPRE.


Cllr H Laws declared a personal interest as a collector of Dambusters’ memorabilia and stated that he had an open mind on the application.


It was noted that the Authority had a working relationship with Severn Trent Water Limited.


Item 7


It was noted that most Members had received an email from Punch Partnerships


Cllr J Macrae declared a personal interest as a member of Cheshire East Council who were one of the consultees on the application and had submitted comments but he made it clear that he had not been involved in the representations.


Item 8


It was noted that the Authority is the owner of the Visitor Centre that this application relates too.


Item 10


Cllr P Brady declared a personal interest as he was acquainted with the Chairman of the Parish Council.


Cllr D Chapman declared a prejudicial interest as he was very good friends with the neighbour of the application site.  Cllr Chapman would leave the room when the application was considered.


Item 11


Cllr P Brady declared a personal interest as  he was aquainted through family withseveral of the people who had made representations on this application..


Cllr K Potter declared a personal interest as a member of CPRE.