Agenda item

Householder Application - Demolition and rebuild of western section of dwelling (retrospective); renovation and alterations to the vehicular access at Primrose Cottage, Windmill


Cllr D Chapman left the room as he had declared a prejudicial interest in this application.


It was noted that Members had visited the site on the previous day.


The Planning officer reported that a letter had been received from a neighbour which expressed concern regarding further use of the ground (paddock) for building development and asked for confirmation that the land was agricultural land.  They also requested that the original field gate be reinstated and the additional gate denied.  The Planning officer stated that the paddock was not part of the curtilage.


14.20 Cllr A McCloy re-joined the meeting but did not take part and abstained from voting in relation to this item.


The Planning officer added an extra condition to the recommendation requiring agreement of a landscaping scheme for the boundaries and definition of the existing residential curtilage using base mapping, with planning permission required for any extensions of curtilage.


A further condition was also added to require submission of all window sizes for checking by the Authority.


The recommendation for approval subject to conditions, including the 2 extra conditions agreed, was moved and seconded.  The motion was put to the vote and carried.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:


1.    That the development shall be in complete accordance with the amended plans, received by the Authority 18 February 2019.


2.    The full length glazed opening to the cellar area shall be reduced in scale, to be agreed in writing with the Authority


3.    The door to the west gable shall be provided with a simple gritstone lintel, not a full surround, details of the door to be reserved by condition for approval in writing with the Authority


4.    All new stonework to be natural limestone to match the existing


5.    Pointing to be recessed


6.    Quoins, door lintels, window surrounds and mullions to be natural gritstone


7.    Roof to be re-clad in Hardrow slates


8.    Verge detail


9.    All pipework internal except for rainwater goods


10.  Rainwater goods black cast metal and fixed to stonework on brackets


11.  New windows and doors timber and recessed same depth as existing


12.  Agree details of a landscaping scheme for the boundaries and definition of the existing residential curtilage using base mapping, with planning permission required for any extensions of curtilage


13.  All window sizes to be submitted for checking and approval by the Authority.


Supporting documents: