Agenda item

Members Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary, personal or prejudicial interests they may have in relation to items on the agenda for this meeting.



Item 6


It was noted that all Members had received an email from Mr Sedgewick.


Cllr Kath Potter had received 2 emails from Mr Sedgewick one of them being a response from an MP.



Item 7


It was noted that all Members knew Cllr Gill Heath, who had given notice to speak as a Member of the Authority.



Item 8


It was noted that all Members knew Cllr Tony Favell, who had given notice to speak as a Member of the Authority.


Mr Robert Helliwell declared a personal interest, as he knew the applicant and all the speakers and he regularly attended Edale Church.


Cllr Caroline Howe declared that she had had a telephone call with one of the speakers, Cllr Tony Favell, but had not discussed the detail of the application with him.



Item 9


It was noted that all Members knew Cllr Gill Heath, who had given notice to speak as a Member of the Authority.



Item 11


Mr Robert Helliwell declared a personal interest as he knew the applicant, Mr Ben Garstang.



Item 12


Mr Robert Helliwell declared a personal interest as he knew one of the speakers, Cllr Heather Rogers.