Agenda item

Full Application - Erection of an agricultural workers dwelling at Higher Ford Wetley Farm, Ford Wetley, Ford



The Planning Officer introduced the report and reminded Members that this item had been deferred from the Planning Committee in October 2018, to allow for further discussions with the applicant to look at other possible alternatives for an agricultural workers dwelling. Amended plans had been provided with design modifications for a slightly smaller, although still substantial family home, and although the financial tests had now been addressed, the need for a dwelling had not.


The following spoke under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:


·         Mr Ken Wainman, Agent

·         Mr Robert Watkins, Supporter – wasn’t present at the meeting, but a statement was read out on his behalf

·         Miss Catherine Alcock, Supporter

·         Ms Caroline Turnock, Supporter

·         Cllr Gill Heath, Supporter


Although Members were  broadly supportive of the need for additional accommodation, they considered that there were other ways to supply accommodation on the site without a new build in the open countryside.


The Officer recommendation to refuse was moved and seconded.


The Officer reported that there was a suitable building on site that could be converted  to a dwelling, which was currently used for storage and lambing, which  would appear to be a potential solution to the applicant’s accommodation needs, but the applicant was unwilling to pursue the conversion of the barn as an alternative to constructing a new dwelling.


The Officer recommendation to refuse the application was voted on and carried.





To REFUSE the application for the following reason:


1.         An essential functional need for a second agricultural workers dwelling on the site has not been demonstrated, contrary to policy HC2 and LC12 of the Development Plan and the guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.


Supporting documents: