Agenda item

Monitoring and Enforcement Annual Review - April 2019 (A.1533/AJC)


The Monitoring and Enforcement Manager introduced the report  which provided Members with a summary of the work that had been carried out by the Monitoring and Enforcement Team over the last year (April 2018 – March 2019), as well as information about the breaches of planning control that had been resolved in the last quarter (January – March 2019). 


The Officer informed Members that in March 2019, the Monitoring and Enforcement Team had appointed two new Officers, Andy Grayson and Joe Freegard, so it was expected that the team would continue to improve their performance and reduce the overall caseload.


The Officer then went onto show Members some  “before and after” photos of cases that had been resolved in the last quarter.


Members thanked the Officer for his report.


A motion to note the report was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.     




To note the report

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