Agenda item

2018-2019 Outturn (A.137/22/PN)


The Chief Finance Officer introduced the report which explained the outturn for 2018/19 and sought approval of the necessary appropriations to or from reserves, together with approval of unspent funds and overspends to be carried forward into the 2019/20 financial year.


In response to a Member query regarding Bakewell Visitor Centre it was noted that the main focus recently had been on Millersdale Station and Castleton Visitor Centre.  However focus would now be returning to Bakewell and Edale although no specific dates or details of proposed actions were available at present.  The Director of Commercial Development and Engagement will consult with the Head of Visitor Experience Development and respond direct to the Member who raised the query with any further information available.


It was noted that the new enforcement process at Authority owned car parks had started and feedback would be included in the next quarterly report.


The recommendation as set out in the report was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




1.    That the outturn be noted, and the slippage requests and specific reserve appropriations shown in Appendix C of the report be approved.


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