Agenda item

Report of the Governance Review Working Group (JS)


At a meeting held on 24 May 2019 the Authority approved recommendations from the Governance Review Working Group relating to the role of Members, the format and structure of Authority Agendas, Committee Structures and Community Engagement.


The Authority considered recommendations arising from discussions at a further meeting of the Governance Review Working Group regarding matters reserved to full Authority, the naming of Standing Committees and their terms of reference and Member Representative Roles.


Subject to minor amendments the recommendations of the Working Group were moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




1.         To approve the list of matters reserved to a meeting of the Authority as set out in Appendix 1of the Working Group Report.


2.         To approve on an interim basis the name and terms of reference for the Programmes and Resources Committee as set out in Appendix 2 of the Working Group report subject to the deletion of the words “or delegated to an officer” from the introductory paragraph.


3.         To amend Standing Order 1.40 paragraphs (2) and (3)(ii) by removing references to “Audit Resources and Performance Committee” and replace with “Programmes and Resources Committee” .


4.         To confirm the terms of reference for the Planning Committee as set out in Appendix 3 of the Working Group report subject to the deletion of the words “or delegated to an officer” from the introductory paragraph.


5.         To agree that at the 2019 Annual Meeting appointments will be made to the following nine Member Representative roles:


·         Connecting Young People with Nature

·         Thriving Natural Environments

·         Rural Economy

·         Food and Farming

·         Tourism and Participation

·         Landscape and Heritage

·         Health and Wellbeing

·         Communities

·         Member Learning and Development


6.         To remove references to “Items for approval with no discussion” in Part 1 of Standing Orders by deleting paragraphs (9), (10) and (11) in Standing Order 1.28.


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