Agenda item

8. Medium Term Financial Planning and 2015/16 Budget Proposals (A137/ RMM )


The Director of Corporate Resources reported that formal notification of the National Park Grant Settlement for 2015/16 had not yet been received but was expected by Christmas.


The 2 Member workshops of 2014 had been positive and records of the discussions had been circulated to Members.


It was proposed that Recommendation 3 be amended to include the Vice Chair of Audit, Resources and Performance committee.


With this amendment, the recommendations were moved, seconded, voted upon and carried.




1.    That the current proposals for the approach to the Authority’s medium term financial planning challenge, which will be refined as new information comes to light, are noted.


2.    That the 2015/16 budget proposals for reductions and income given at Appendix 1 shall take effect from 1 April 2015 or as soon as possible after that if implementation has to take longer.


3.    That the proposal to reallocate £42K per annum (as soon as resources are released in accordance with Appendix 1) in increasing our capacity and performance on giving and sponsorship is agreed; with details on how this will be used to be decided by Resource Management Team in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Audit, Resources and Performance committee.

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