Agenda item

Full Application - Use of Yard for Parking Two Lorries for Commercial Use in Addition to Existing Use of Yard for Agricultural Purposes, Five Acres Farm, Narrow Gate Lane, Wardlow


The Planning officer reported that a letter had been received from the applicant and this was summarised for the meeting.


It was noted that Members had received correspondence from both Mr Middleton and Mr Wright.


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Mrs J Middleton, objector

·         Ms C Gamble, objector

·         Mr P Maltby, supporter

·         Mr D Sutherland, Agent.


In response to Member queries the Director of Planning explained that it was the Authority’s normal practice in Planning Committee reports for the conditions in the recommendation to be summarised and then expanded fully in a decision notice.  He also explained the reasoning for specific conditions.


Some Members were concerned that they did not have enough information to make a decision on the application.


In accordance with Standing Orders, Members agreed to continue the Committee meeting beyond 3 hours.


A motion for refusal on landscape grounds was moved and seconded, however this was superseded by deferral to allow for further information on financial figures for the business and a clear indication of the nature of the diversification.  This was then voted on and carried.




That consideration of the application be DEFERRED pending further information regarding the business case for the proposal and a clear indication of the nature of the diversification.




Supporting documents: