Agenda item
Full Application - Change of use of existing agricultural building to a mixed use for general agriculture and timber processing, including formation of a timber drying kiln, installation of biomass powered heaters and flues, and building refurbishment including re-roofing and upgraded external wall coverings at Heath Farm, Smalldale
Miss L Slack had declared a prejudicial interest so left the room while this item was discussed.
The Head of Development Management introduced the report, and informed Members that this application had originally been discussed under the “Emergency Delegated Powers” in June where it was agreed that the application should be deferred for a site visit. As a virtual Planning Committee had then been organised the Director of Conservation and Planning had decided that the application should be determined by the Planning Committee.
A site visit with the Chair & Vice Chair of Planning Committee together with the Head of Development Management had taken place on the previous day.
The Head of Development Management updated Members to note that since the report had been written, additional information had been supplied in that the Applicant and landowners were willing to enter into a legal agreement which would meet the requirements of policy and make the development acceptable. However it was an “on balance” decision and Officers were still of the opinion that the application should be refused.
The following spoke under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:-
· Mr S Morten, Supporter – Statement read out by Democratic Services
· Mr A Critchlow, Supporter – Statement read out by Democratic Services
· Mr R Claxon, Supporter – Statement read out by Democratic Services
· Mr R Largan MP, Supporter – Statement read out by Mr Harrison Elliott
· Mr L Johnson – Applicant
Following the additional information provided by Officers, Members were minded to approve the application, if the conditions regarding outside storage, noise and landscaping were right together with a legal agreement regarding the land ownership and linking the agricultural land to the kiln drying wood business.
A motion to approve the application subject to a legal agreement and conditions, the details of which to be delegated to the Director of Conservation & Planning in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of Planning, was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.
That the application be APPROVED subject to the entering into of a S106 agreement linking the agricultural land to the kiln drying wood business and the following conditions the details of which are to be delegated to the Director of Conservation & Planning in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of Planning:
· 3 year implementation period.
· Development to be carried out in accordance with specified plans.
· Details of building refurbishment and alterations.
· Restrict access to marked track and restrict vehicle numbers
· Landscaping including management plan for thinning of woodland block to ensure screening is maintained.
- Area and height of storage of logs to be specified.
- Hours of Operation
- Noise level limits against background levels
- Solar panels to be installed to power the kiln
· CC1 environmental management measures
Supporting documents:
(NP/HPK/0320/0234 SPW), item 49/20
PDF 444 KB
Heath Farm, Smalldale – NP-HPK-0320-0234, item 49/20
PDF 328 KB