Agenda item

Members Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary, personal or prejudicial interests they may have in relation to items on the agenda for this meeting.


Item 6


Cllr D Chapman declared a prejudicial interest as the applicants were friends and would withdraw from the meeting when this item was discussed.


Item 7


Cllr A McCloy declared a prejudicial interest as a member of Youlgrave Parish Council and he had taken part in parish council discussion.  Cllr McCloy would withdraw from the meeting when this item was discussed.


Cllr Potter declared that she is a member of CPRE and Friends of the Peak District is affiliated to CPRE who had commented on this item.


Item 8


Ms L Slack declared a prejudicial interest as the applicants were parents of a friend and would withdraw from the meeting when this item was discussed.


Item 9


Mr R Helliwell declared that he would withdraw from the meeting when this item was discussed as he had already formed a view on the application.


Item 10 & 11


All Members declared a personal interest as both applications were on behalf of the Authority.