Agenda item
Full application - Proposed rear extension to dwelling at 2 Church Street, Monyash (NP/DDD/0520/0420 - ALN)
Consideration of this item was brought forward as the meeting was running ahead of time for speakers.
The Planning Manager South Area introduced the item and confirmed that the Parish Council had objected on the grounds of the impact of the extension on reduced parking. As stated in the report the parking remained unchanged with space for one vehicle.
A motion to approve the application subject to conditions or modifications was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.
That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions or modifications:
1. 3 year time limit
2. In accordance with amended plans
3. Off street parking space as shown on the approved plans to be provided before the extension is first brought into use and maintained throughout the life of the development.
4. Sample panel of external walling to be agreed.
5. Environmental Management measures as outlined in the submitted Climate Change Mitigation Strategy to be adhered to.
6. Design details.
Supporting documents:
0520-0420_2 Church St Monyash, item 70/20
PDF 306 KB
0520-0420_Church Street Monyash CF, item 70/20
PDF 374 KB