Agenda item
Full application - Construction of agricultural workers dwelling at Manifold Farm, Buxton Road, Wetton - (NP/SM/0719/0818, ALN)
The Planning Manager, South Area, introduced the report and confirmed that Members had visited the site in October 2019 prior to deferring the item at the October 2019 Planning Committee. Following the deferment discussions had taken place between the applicant and Officers and the revised application had been based on these discussion.
The following spoke under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:
· Craig Banks, Agent – audio recording.
Members were minded to support the application as they felt the applicant had tried hard to accommodate the requirements of the Authority.
A motion to approve the application contrary to the Officer recommendation was moved and seconded.
The Head of Development Management suggested the conditions that would be required if approval granted which were agreed by Members.
The motion to approve the application contrary to the Officer recommendation and subject to conditions was voted on and carried.
That the application be APPROVED subject to entering into a legal agreement to maintain the building as an agricultural workers dwelling in perpetuity and to conditions to control the following aspects of the proposal:
1. Three years to implement the permission in line with amended plans.
2. That the residential curtilage be restricted to the triangle to the west of the access track and enclosed by drystone wall.
3. Remove permitted development rights for extensions, porches, ancillary buildings, alterations to external appearance, solar panels, gates, fences, walls and other means of boundary enclosure.
4. All services lines associated with the approved development and on the land within the applicants ownership and control should be placed underground and the ground restored to original conditions thereafter.
5. The Air Source heat pump as shown on the plans must be installed before the dwelling is first occupied and shall be the primary source of heating to the property.
6. Hard and soft landscaping scheme to be submitted and agreed.
7. Before the dwelling is first occupied details of any disposal of spoil to be submitted and agreed.
8. Walls to be natural limestone, sample panel to be agreed.
9. Roof to be clad with Staffordshire Blue Clay Tiles, sample to be agreed.
10. All windows and door frames to be recessed a minimum of 100mm from the external face of the wall.
11. The external corners of the dwelling shall be provided with natural grit stone coin work where shown on the approved plans.
12. All windows and doors to be timber construction, details of final finish to be submitted and agreed.
13. Minor design details
Supporting documents:
0719-0818_Manifold Farm Wetton, item 67/20
PDF 349 KB
0719-0818_Manifold Farm, Wetton SM, item 67/20
PDF 538 KB