Agenda item
Full application - Retention of a construction compound as a permanent car parking area once building and fit-out works at Bleaklow Farm are complete at Bleaklow Farm, Bramley Lane, Hassop (NP/DDD/1119/1179 TS)
The Planning Manager, South Team, introduced the item in conjunction with Item 7 of the agenda.
The following spoke under Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:
· Clare Gamble, Objector - statement read out by Democratic Services
· Kathleen Pheasey, Objector - statement read out by Democratic Services
· Sarah Foster, Agent – live telephone call
The Planning Manager confirmed that amendments had been made to the original application and planting added to the area to be used as a car park with a reduction in the number of parking spaces. As the new parking would remove the need for cars to park in the courtyard a condition had been included to stop the use of the courtyard other than deliveries etc. (condition 5). Although the condition did not specify that no parking would be allowed in the courtyard the plan issued with the decision notice would clearly indicate this.
In accordance with Standing Orders a motion to continue the meeting beyond three hours was put to the vote and carried.
A motion to approve the application subject to conditions was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.
That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:
1. |
Development to be carried out in accordance with specified plans.
2. |
Planting to be completed in the first planting season following approval of the application and retained for the lifetime of the development.
3. |
Any external lighting to be submitted to and approved by the Authority
4. |
The parking area shall not be brought into use until the gates between the parking area and the yard have been installed.
5. |
No parking shall take place in the yard save for visitors or residents with blue badges, loading or unloading, tradespeople, maintenance and deliveries.
Ms Lydia Slack left the meeting during consideration of this item at 13.00
Supporting documents:
1119-1179_Bleaklow Parking, item 72/20
PDF 359 KB
1119-1179 Bleaklow Farm, Hassop JT, item 72/20
PDF 805 KB