Agenda item
Full application - temporary stockpiling and deposition of dredged silt from the River Noe; land adjacent to River Noe Weir, off Edale Road, Nether Booth, Edale. (NP/HPK/0620/0537 APB)
Cllr D Chapman left the meeting and took no part in the discussion of this item as he had declared a prejudicial interest.
The Senior Minerals Planner introduced the report and asked Members to note a change to paragraph 7 of the report to read:
There are no rights of way traversing the site, however, the site is open to view from long distance public vantage points along sections of the highway network on higher ground to the south, between Lose Hill and Backtor, and between Backtor and the rights of way network running north-westwards to Brown Bread Cottage on the Edale Road, to the west of the site. There are also some intermittent views of the site from the right of way heading westwards out of Nether Booth’.
The Senior Minerals Planner confirmed that a response had been received from Natural England after the publication of the committee report but that no objections had been raised in the response.
The proposed scheme was recommended by officers for approval as opposed to removal of the silt from the site which would necessitate more than 200 lorry journeys, unacceptable traffic movement and issues with access to the site.
The Senior Minerals Planner confirmed that the scheme would be finalised following the committee meeting and that condition 17 would be amended so that the scheme would be submitted within 1 month of commencement of development as well as additional wording to ensure concerns regarding impacted soil would be addressed.
A motion to approve the application subject to the condition set out in the report and the amended condition 17 was moved and seconded.
Members raised concerns regarding the strength of the bridge to be used to carry the heavy machinery needed to the site for the dredging work and the impact on drainage of applying the silt to the field. Officers confirmed that the bridge was maintained by Network Rail to a standard to carry farm machinery and that condition 10 covered concerns regarding drainage from the field.
The motion was put to the vote and carried.
That the application be APPROVED subject to conditions covering the following matters: |
1. Commencement within three years from the date of the permission.
2. Development to be undertaken in full accordance with the application details and approved plans.
3. Stockpiling of silt dredgings to be confined to locations shown on plan W611011 – CB-20 101
4. Maximum volume of silt dredgings to be stored on site is 4500 cubic metres.
5. All silt dredging stockpiles to have protective silt fence and straw bales placed on downslope edge for duration of storage in accordance with specification shown on drawing W611011 – CT-20 106.
6. A silt barrier fence and straw bales to be erected along the southern boundary of the receptor field in accordance with plan W611011 – CB-20 101, to remain in place until spreading has been completed and grassland has re-established.
7. Access arrangements and vehicle movements as detailed in the Traffic Management Plan.
8. A 10m buffer zone to be clearly demarcated at the southern boundary of the receptor field to protect unimproved grassland habitat. No dredgings to be deposited anywhere within the 10m buffer strip.
9. A 6m buffer zone to be clearly demarcated of the receptor field around any trees and hedgerows to protect Root Protection Areas. No dredgings to be deposited anywhere within the 6m buffer zone
10. Dredged silt spreading to be undertaken only when ground conditions are suitable – avoid compaction, soil damage.
11. Silt spreading operation to be completed on or before 1 April 2021 in full accordance with plan and cross sections shown on plan W611011 – CB-20 100.
12. Silt spreading to be undertaken in manner that does not impede surface water flow paths, in accordance with recommendations in the FRA.
13. Safe storage of fuels, oils, chemicals etc.
14. Working hours – 0700 – 1800 M – F, no working on Saturday, Sunday or Bank Holidays.
15. Development to be undertaken in full accordance with the Preliminary Ecological Assessment.
16. No trees, hedges or shrubs to be removed.
17. Site to enter statutory five year period of aftercare in full accordance with a scheme to be submitted to the Authority within one month of commencement of development. The scheme to include measures necessary to avoid soil compaction.
Supporting documents:
0620-0537 RIVER NOE, item 68/20
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