Agenda item
Full Application - Siting of a log cabin for use as an agricultural workers dwelling ancillary to the farmhouse - Shepley Farm, Chelmorton (NP/DDD/0420/0370, MN)
Cllr D Chapman declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting during consideration of this item.
Due to issues with broadcasting the committee was adjourned at 10.25 and reconvened at 11.05
The Planning Officer introduced the item which had been deferred from the Committee on 7 August 2020 for further discussions between the applicant and Officers. The siting of the caravan had been changed and would be set into the ground to reduce the impact on the landscape but no further supporting evidence had been supplied to support the application for a agricultural workers dwelling and Officers still felt the application should be refused.
The Head of Development Management clarified that the application was for an ancillary dwelling and not an Agricultural workers dwelling as there had been no supporting evidence received from the applicant. Members were asked to consider the application as an ancillary dwelling and any grant of permission would have to be subject to the applicant amending the wording of the application description.
The following spoke under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:
· Dominic Cooney – Agent
Members were minded to approve the application to avoid the fall-back position of installing a caravan in the garden of the farmhouse. They also requested that a comprehensive legal agreement regarding removal of the caravan be agreed to ensure its removal after 10 years or earlier if alternative accommodation became available.
The recommendation to approve the application contrary to Officer recommendation, subject to conditions and a legal agreement regarding removal of the caravan was moved and seconded.
The Head of Development Management confirmed that if the caravan were to remain after 10 years a new planning application would be required. She also highlighted concerns regarding the lack of sustainability of the application in line with policy CC1.
The Planning Officer confirmed that even though the applicant had offered to enter into a legal agreement regarding the temporary nature of the caravan there was no need for a legal agreement as this would be controlled by inclusion in the conditions which he outlined.
The recommendation to approve the application contrary to Officer recommendation and subject to conditions was voted on and carried.
To APPROVE the application subject to applicant amending the wording of the application description and subject to the following conditions:
1. Implementation period of three years.
2. Proposal to accord with the amended plans.
3. A section plan to be provided to show the levels in order to confirm that the caravan is cut in and not built on raised ground.
4. The use of the caravan to cease within ten years or when alternative accommodation becomes available, whichever is the sooner and subsequent removal.
5. Reinstatement of the original landscape following removal of the caravan.
6. Occupation ancillary to Shepley Farm only.
7. Drainage details to be submitted.
8. All services to the caravan to be underground.
9. Details of the timber finish and stain or painted finish to be agreed.
Supporting documents:
- 0420-0370_Shepley Farm, Chelmorton, item 78/20 PDF 317 KB