Agenda item
Full Application - Use of field for five touring caravans - Lower Greenfields Caravan Site, Unnamed Road from Cliff Lane to Mawstone Lane, Alport (NP/DDD/0720/0613, TS)
- Meeting of Planning Committee, Friday 11th September 2020 10.00 am (Item 79/20)
- View the background to item 79/20
Cllr D Chapman returned to the meeting, Cllr A McCloy declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting during consideration of this item.
The Head of Development Management introduced the item. A previous application for 15 caravan pitches had been refused by the Authority and the refusal upheld by the Planning Inspectorate. The Head of Development Management reminded Members that the Planning Inspectors decision was a material consideration.
The following spoke under the Authorities Public Participation Scheme:
· Karen & Glynn Hind – Applicants – Statement read out by Democratic Services
The Officer recommendation to refuse the application was moved and seconded.
Cllr Potter confirmed she would abstain from voting as she had not been able to speak on the application due to connectivity issues.
The motion for refusal was put to the vote and carried.
That the application be REFUSED for the following reason:
1. The proposed development would result in unacceptable expansion of the existing caravan site that would result in a form of development that would be visually prominent and harmful to the valued landscape character and scenic beauty of the National Park. It would result in significant harm to landscape character contrary to policies L1, RT3, DMR1 and DMC3 and the guidance contained within section 15 of the National Park Planning Policy Framework.
Supporting documents:
2 0720-0613_Lower Greenfields JEN CHECKED, item 79/20
PDF 354 KB
0720-0613_Lower Greenfields Farm, Alport, item 79/20
PDF 496 KB