Agenda item

Listed Building Consent - Proposed repair works to Millers Dale South Viaduct (NP/HPK/0720/0635. DH)



The Planning Officer introduced the report and asked that the Precautionary Method Statement covering bats set out in the ecological report should be added as a condition and an additional condition to record and submit information on all repairs and the information to be added to the historic record. Condition 18 of the report would be removed as any future large scale repair work would need to be brought before a future committee and could not be approved in advance.


The Office recommendation to approve the application subject to changes to the conditions was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.


Members asked if there was a reason why only one parish council had been consulted on the application as the site spanned two parishes.  Officers confirmed this was an error and apologised.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:


1.    Time limit for commencement.


2.    Development to be carried out in accordance with the submitted plans and specifications


3.    Storage areas for the duration of the works shall be agreed in writing prior to works commencing


4.    Environment Agency Pollution Prevention Guidelines shall be adhered to throughout the works.


5.    Details of any access equipment that requires temporarily fixing to the viaduct to be submitted and approved.


6.    Where necessary defective mortar shall be raked out by hand as specified in the amended Method Statement


7.    Mortar repairs and repointing to match existing lime mortar, a sample of which is to be provided for written agreement with the National Park Authority prior to the works commencing


8.    Removal of any defective stonework or brickwork shall be done using hand tools only as specified in the amended Method Statement


9.    Any repair to or replacement of stonework or brickwork shall match the existing


10.  The method of grit blasting the three spans shall be agreed in writing by the Authority.


11.  Paintwork shall match the existing


12.  Details of any pips or other monitoring devices shall be provided with locations for agreement in writing with the Authority prior to installation


13.  The Precautionary Method Statement relating to Bats to be carried out in full.


14.  Details of all repairs to be recorded and the information added to the historic document.


Footnote regarding the Greenway.


Supporting documents: