Agenda item
Monitoring and Enforcement Annual Review - October 2020 (A.1533/AJC)
The Monitoring and Enforcement Team Manager introduced the report and updated Members on the current issues regarding vacant posts and the impact of COVID-19. He reported that targets had not been reached, largely because of staff vacancies in 2020. At the beginning of the year the targets had been increased based on previous performance but the vacant posts and the restrictions due to the pandemic had meant the targets had not been attainable.
The Monitoring and Enforcement Team Manager gave more details on specific cases and also those that were now waiting for appeal decisions.
Members expressed concerns of the impact of missing targets particularly on the landscape and the reputation of the Authority and asked if it would be suitable for the Landscape KPI to include a target for Planning Enforcement.
The Head of Development Management confirmed that discussions were in early stages on merging the National Park Management Plans and Corporate Strategy KPIs and that the comments of members would be reported to the Strategic Leadership Team as part of these discussions.
A motion to continue the meeting beyond three hours was put to the vote and carried.
Members thanked the Monitoring and Enforcement Team for the work they have continued to do during the recent difficult circumstances.
To note the report.
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