Agenda item
Full Application - Removal of some animal enclosures, demolition of ticket office, removal of overspill car parking, erection of one residential dwelling, installation of package treatment plant, change of use of land around the site to residential, reinstatement of parkland, works of hard and soft landscaping and other works incidental to the application at Chestnut Centre, Sheffield Road, Chapel-en-le-Frith, (NP/HPK/0420/0298 AM)
The Chair and Vice Chair of the Committee had visited the site on the previous day.
The Planning Officer introduced the item and confirmed that the plans had been amended to reduce the amount of glazing and that a licence would be sought from Natural England in relation to the bats that are located in the ticket office which is proposed to be demolished.
The following addressed the Committee under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:
• Ms Betty Colley, Objector – live telephone call
• Mr Charlie Heap, Son of Applicant, Supporter – video presentation
• Mr Paul Holden, Architect, Supporter – audio presentation
• Ms Caroline McIntyre, Agent, Supporter – video presentation
Members expressed concerns regarding the development outside the settlement area, Officers confirmed that as the development would enhance the National Park it would be in accordance with policy HC1. The legal agreement and conditions set out in the report would ensure the impact of the development on the landscape was acceptable.
The recommendation to approve the application subject to conditions was moved and seconded.
The Head of Development Management confirmed that further discussions would take place regarding the material used for the entrance roof as Members were concerned regarding the impact of the black roof as specified in the application and this would be covered by an amendment to condition 18. Members were happy to delegate the discussions regarding the colour of the roof material to Officers.
The motion to approve the application subject to conditions and a S106 agreement was voted on and carried.
That subject to prior entry into a S.106 legal agreement to control the use of the land to be returned to pasture and to ensure that the ticket office building and animal enclosures shall be demolished and fully removed from the site before the first occupancy of the dwelling the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions or modifications.
1. Statutory three year time limit for implementation.
2. In accordance with specified amended plans.
3. No development shall commence until detailed scheme of finished floor levels and finished ground levels on site (including above the dwelling) are approved.
4. Implementation of tree protection measures before any other development commences.
5. Agreement of construction compound, parking and storage before any other development commences.
6. Agreement of detailed landscaping plan (including tree and shrub species, roof planting and management, walls, gates, ha-ha and hardstanding). Implementation before first occupation of the development.
7. Development to be carried out in accordance with protected species report.
8. No works to commence the demolition or removal of animal enclosures to take place other than in accordance with an approved Construction Environment Management Plan which shall have first been submitted and approved in writing.
9. No works to demolish or remove ticket off building or animal enclosures to take place within bird breeding season or summer roosting season (March to September).
10. Detailed scheme of ecological enhancement measures to be agreed and implemented before first occupation of the development.
11. Management plan for the removal or management of Schedule 9 non-native species on site to be agreed and implemented before the first occupation of the development.
12. 12. No external lighting other than in accordance with approved scheme.
13. Ground source heat pump to be installed in accordance with details to be approved before the first occupancy of the development hereby approved and no other heating system be introduced for the life of the development without prior approval.
14. Package treatment plant to be installed in accordance with details to be approved before the first occupancy of the development hereby approved.
15. Electric vehicle charging points to be installed in accordance with details to be approved before the first occupancy of the development hereby approved.
16. Parking and bin storage areas to be laid out and constructed prior to first occupation of the development.
17. Design details including finish and colour of metal sheeting, doors, windows, fascia and natural gritstone sample panel.
18. Remove domestic permitted development rights for hardstanding, outbuildings, gates, fences, walls or other means of enclosure.
19. Restrict domestic curtilage to area shown on the approved plan only.
20. Underground services
Supporting documents:
0420-0298_Chestnut centre new dwelling, item 104/20
PDF 407 KB
0420-0298 – Chestnut Centre, item 104/20
PDF 802 KB