Agenda item
Full Application - Conversion of the large barn to one residential dwelling, conversion of the small barn to ancillary accommodation / holiday accommodation to chestnut farmhouse, internal and external works to the barns and house, change of use of the associated land to residential, works of hard and soft landscaping, car parking, and other works incidental to the application proposals at Chestnut Centre, Sheffield Road, Chapel-en-le-Frith, (NP/HPK/0420/0301 AM)
The Chair and the Vice Chair of the Committee had visited the site on the previous day.
The Planning Officer covered both items in one introduction and asked for Members to consider an amendment to the planning application recommendation to secure the prior receipt of a unilateral obligation to control the use and maintenance of the Quaker burial ground by the owners of the barn conversion.
Following concerns raised by Members the following further conditions were proposed:
• Following comments from the Council for British Archaeology regarding the modern beams a record of the internal features to be undertaken before they are lost.
• Soil vent pipes to be set internally
• Provision of a plan to ensure the management of waste material on site.
The recommendation for approval subject to amended conditions was moved and seconded put to the vote and carried.
That subject to the prior receipt of a unilateral undertaking to control the use and ownership of the Quaker Burial Ground as a heritage asset, the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions or modifications.
1. Statutory three year time limit for implementation.
2. In accordance with specified amended plans.
3. Implementation of tree protection measures before any other development commences.
4. Agreement of construction compound, parking and storage before any other development commences.
5. Agreement of detailed landscaping plan (including tree and shrub species, walls, gates and hardstanding). Implementation before first occupation of the development.
6. Development to be carried out in accordance with protected species report and details of enhancement measures for bats and birds to be agreed and implemented before first occupation of the development.
7. Management plan for the removal or management of Schedule 9 non-native species on site to be agreed and implemented before the first occupation of the development.
8. Agreement of external lighting scheme prior to installation.
9. Electric vehicle charging points to be installed before first occupation of the development in accordance with details to be agreed.
10. Parking and bin storage areas to be laid out and constructed prior to first occupation of the development.
11. Notwithstanding approved plans, no permission is granted for roof light to farmhouse. The existing roof light shall not be replaced other than in accordance with revised plans showing a single conservation roof light which shall have first been submitted to and approved by the National Park Authority.
12. Notwithstanding approved plans the window to elevation 04 of building C (opening C-W11 on drawing PL-234) shall not be installed other than in accordance with revised plans (including frame design, opening mechanism and obscure glazing) which shall have first been submitted to and approved by the National Park Authority.
13. No works to expose the fireplace within the small barn shall be undertaken other than in accordance with a method statement, which shall have first been submitted to and approved in writing. Thereafter, full details of new fireplace and associated works to be agreed in writing.
14. Minor design details including: window and door finishes and furniture; rainwater goods; soil vent pipes (to be internal); flues and vents and floor finishes.
15. Restrict occupancy of small barn to ancillary or holiday accommodation ancillary to the farmhouse.
16. Remove domestic permitted development rights for hardstanding, outbuildings, gates, fences, walls or other means of enclosure.
17. Restrict domestic curtilages to areas shown on approved plans.
18. Prior to removal of current internal modern features a record will be made before they are lost.
19. Soil vent pipes to be set internally.
20. A plan to be agreed for a scheme for any retention of waste material on site.
21. Provision of a written scheme of investigation for removal of the steel roof supports.
Supporting documents:
0420-0301_Chestnut centre conversions, item 105/20
PDF 353 KB
0420-0301 – Chestnut Centre, item 105/20
PDF 455 KB