Agenda item
Roll Call of Members Present, Apologies for Absence and Members Declarations of Interest
Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary, personal or prejudicial interests they may have in relation to items on the agenda for this meeting.
Item 6
Cllr Mrs K Potter declared a personal interest as she was a Member of CPRE which was affiliated to Friends of the Peak District.
Item 9
Cllr A McCloy declared a personal interest as he knew the applicant, but hadn’t discussed the application with them.
Cllr Mrs K Potter had registered to speak on this item, so would leave the meeting when this item was discussed.
Cllr P Brady declared a personal interest as his son-in-law’s parents lived on Chatsworth Estate.
Item 10
Cllr A McCloy declared a personal interest as he knew the applicant, but hadn’t discussed the application with them.
Cllr Mrs K Potter had registered to speak on this item, so would leave the meeting when this item was discussed.
Cllr P Brady declared a personal interest as his son-in-law’s parents lived on Chatsworth Estate.
Item 11
All Members had received an email from the applicant, Mr J Isaac
Item 12
All Members had received emails from Curbar PC and Ms V Poole as well as a letter from Dr P Owen
Item 14
All Members had received an email from the applicant, Mr Foster
Item 16
All Members had received an email from the applicant, Mr Hadfield
Item 19
All Members declared a personal interest as the application was by the National Park Authority.