Agenda item
Full Application - Proposed extension to menage for private use at Manor House Farm, School Road, Wetton (NP/SM/0920/0866, ALN)
The Planning Officer introduced the report, and informed Members of an amendment to Condition 4 of the report so it would read:-
“There shall be no new floodlighting or other external lighting whatsoever to the existing menage and to the extension hereby approved within the areas edged red and blue on the submitted plans” as it was considered that floodlights would not be appropriate, and would have an impact on the Conservation Area and neighbour amenity, so would be omitted from the scheme.
The Officer reported that there had been concerns raised by neighbours regarding the degree of overlooking onto their properties, but that the Officers do not think that there will be any realistic possibility of overlooking due to the distance of the menage from the neighbouring property. Furthermore a landscaping scheme is proposed which would ensure further visual separation.
The following addressed the Committee under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:-
· Mrs Imerson – Objector – video recording
· Mr Imerson – Objector – video recording
· Mr R Silson, Supporter – Statement read out by Democratic Services
· Ms Higton – Applicant – statement read out by Democratic Services
A motion to approve the recommendation as set out in the report subject to the amendment to Condition 4, was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.
To APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions:
1. 3 year time limit.
2. Adopt submitted plans
3. A landscaping scheme for a belt of native tree planting along the south eastern boundary of the menage and individual native tree planting to the north and north west shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the National Park Authority. Thereafter the approved planting scheme shall be carried out before the development hereby approved is first brought into use.
4. There shall be no new floodlighting or other external lighting whatsoever to the existing menage and to the extension hereby approved within the areas edged red and blue on the submitted plans.
5. Use of the menage hereby permitted shall remain ancillary to 'Manor House Farm' for private use only by the occupants of 'Manor House Farm.
6. The surfacing materials for the menage shall be a dark coloured material to match the existing.
7. At the time of erection the new fencing (and the existing fencing) shall be painted or stained dark brown.
Supporting documents:
- 11 0920-0866_ menage Manor House Far Wetton, item 127/20 PDF 339 KB
- Item 17 - Manor House Farm, School Road, Wetton, item 127/20 PDF 381 KB