Agenda item

Major Application - Improvements and expansion of the existing car park associated with Chatsworth House, together with the creation of a new access road via a spur off the existing A619/A621 roundabout East of Baslow (NP/DDD/1018/0911, ALN)




The Planning Officer  informed Members of a correction to the report regarding the removal of  35 trees, which was based on the agricultural  report received which, grouped together individual and groups of trees, so should have read 61 individual trees to be removed, but there was a scheme to plant 101 new trees as well as provide protection for the 21 category 1 ancient trees.


The Planning Officer also informed Members that since the report had been published, confirmation had been received regarding the installation of electric vehicle charging points and a cycle storage park in the reconfigured car park, but that no specific details had been provided, so an additional condition would be added for details to be submitted and agreed on the charging points and cycle storage park before they are installed.


The Planning Officer then went onto present the report and reminded  Members that this application had been considered at the Planning Committee in November 2019, and had been deferred for further discussions between the applicant and Planning Officers.


One of the key  issues was parking below the bastion wall, to the west of the main house, which was used regularly for overspill car parking. The proposal was to impose a condition to restrict parking in that area, except for  the 3 major events, during which is was proposed to allow up to 11 days parking in total in a calendar year, and that without this condition the Authority would not be recommending approval for the application.  


Since November 2019, clarification had been provided from the applicants regarding the impact on the trees, and a detailed landscape and visual impact assessment  had been produced and submitted and was found to be acceptable, even though this would result in some landscape harm to the parkland, it was considered to be low level.  A travel plan had also been submitted and the Authority’s Transport Planner been received regarding the traffic impacts  from the Baslow end, including traffic modelling which found that the new roundabout spur would not cause a detrimental effect on traffic flow.


The Planning Officer informed Members that although there were elements of the proposal that would cause harm and policy conflicts, there were notable benefits to the scheme in removing the car parking below the bastion wall, improvements to the area around the stables and the protection of the trees.


The following addressed the Committee under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:-


·         Mr Stephen Vickers, Supporter – Audio Recording

·         Dr Elise Percifull, Supporter – Audio Recording


Members then discussed the application and welcomed the reconfiguration of the car park but were concerned that the capacity of the car park would increase by 30% when reducing the carbon footprint should be a priority. There was also some concern regarding the impact on the setting of the listed buildings and parkland, but Members considered that  removal of parking in front of the bastion wall would offset this.

A motion to approve the recommendation as set out in the report, subject to an additional condition regarding details of  the cycle storage park and electric charging points,  was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




To APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions



3 years implementation period



Adopt amended plans



Once the new car park is first brought into use, no public overflow parking shall take place between the Bastion Wall and the River Derwent (in the area marked green on the attached plan) over and above the operational days of the three major events – RHS flower show (5 days per year), Country Fair (3 days per year) and Horse Trials (3 days per year)



Once the new access road is first brought into use, the existing Golden Gates access shall no longer be used for access to the Estate by the general public or delivery vehicles.



The proposed access off A619 shall not be taken into use until the modifications to the roundabout have been fully completed, generally in accordance with the application drawing, but fully in accordance with a detailed scheme first submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highways Authority.



The proposed turning area demonstrated on the application drawings for the northern access road shall remain available for use at all times.



In association with Condition 5 an ‘Access and Signage Strategy’ shall be submitted prior to the new access being taken into use, detailing the proposed operation of the new access and restrictions to the existing ‘Golden Gates’ access for approval. Once approved the proposed access shall be operated in accordance with the proposed Strategy unless otherwise agreed in writing.



Recommendations at section 6 of submitted Arboricultural Assessment by the ‘Tree and Woodland Company’ and advice in the Arboricultural Advice note (July 2019) by Anderson Tree Care to be fully adhered to.



Hard and soft landscaping scheme (including details of all surfacing; new railings to top of earthwork feature, fencing and details of supplementary planting to south of Heathylea Wood) to be submitted agreed and thereafter implemented.



Management plan for the ongoing management of Heathy Lea Wood to be submitted and agreed and thereafter implemented. Precise details of number and location of trees to be felled to be submitted and agreed.



Approved works to create an improved environment for the ancient trees in the centre of site to be completed before the extended part of the new car park is first brought into use.



Lighting scheme to be submitted and agreed.



Removal of car parking in front of the stable block and works and improvements to the northern forecourt to be carried out in full accordance with the approved plans before the extended part of the new car park is first brought into use.



Surface water drainage scheme to be submitted and agreed.



Archaeological scheme of works to be submitted, agreed and implemented for works to create the new access road and the car park.



Action Plan and Marketing and Monitoring measures set out in the submitted Travel Plan to be fully adhered to.



Recommendation at section 4 of the submitted bat survey by Peak Ecology to be fully adhered to.  Location of proposed bat boxes to be submitted and agreed.



Recommendations in section 4 of the submitted badger survey by Peak ecology to be fully adhered to including that works to the western access road shall be carried out between 1 July to 31st November.



Full details of signage to be submitted and agreed including number, location, design and finish.  Thereafter scheme to be implemented.



Full details of all service routes including ducting, power and water supply to be submitted and agreed.



Details of any CCTV installations to be submitted and agreed.



Details of size, design and materials of construction of ticket kiosks to be submitted and agreed.



Details of final profile and any adjacent earthwork profiling for the new road to be submitted and agreed.



Modern track to south of Baslow Lodges to be removed and footprint laid to park grassland before the new driveway is first brought into use.



Access and signage strategy to be submitted and agreed.







Full details of earthwork feature between the Stable Bank and the car park to be submitted and agreed.


Full details of cycle storage park and electric charging points to be submitted and agreed.




27.   Cllr Mrs K Potter asked for her vote against the proposal to be recorded.


Supporting documents: