Agenda item

Full Application - Fitting of two new extraction grilles at 1-3 Market Place, Market Place, Bakewell (NP/DDD/0620/0549 TM)


The Planning Officer introduced the report, which is  a Full Application and not an Advertisement Consent as in the heading of the report.  He then went on to inform Members of the following further corrections to the report.


In Paragraph 1 - the word “not” to be added to the sentence “the District Council Environmental Heath Team have confirmed that the extraction system does not give rise to any harmful odour issues”.


In Paragraph 2 – the sentence should read “The River Wye” not the River Derwent


In Paragraph 3 – the sentence should read “The building hosts a café on the first floor” not offices.


The Officer then went onto inform Members that since the report had been written, a further 2 letters of objection had been received but that they had not raised any new concerns that had not already been covered in the report.


The following addressed the Committee under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:-


·         Ms Buno, Objector – statement read out by Democratic Services

·         Ms Bull, Objector – statement read out by Democratic Services

·         Ms Glass, Objector – statement read out by Democratic Services

·         Mr Cameron, Objector – statement read out by Democratic Services

·         Mr & Mrs Spaven, Objector – statement read out by Democratic Services

·         Mrs Coffey, Objector – statement read out by Democratic Services

·         Mr Coffey, Objector – statement read out Democratic Services


Although Members had some sympathy with the residents, it was felt that there was no option than to go with the recommendation as the Environmental Health Officer had visited the site on numerous occasions, and confirmed that the odours were not excessive, so did not constitute a statutory nuisance, and to refuse the application contrary to the Environmental Health Officer  could risk substantial costs at an appeal.  It was noted that the use of the premises to provide takeaway food was only temporarily permitted by the temporary amendments to the Permitted Development Rights as a result of Covid 19, and that planning permission would be needed if the owners wished to carry on a substantial takeaway use.


A motion to approve the recommendation as set out in the report was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




To APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions or modifications:


           3 year implementation period.

           The development shall not be carried out other than in complete accordance with the specified approved plans.

           The extraction system shall be retained and maintained in accordance with the manufacture’s specification for the lifetime of the use of the premises as a food outlet.


Cllr Mrs K Potter left the meeting during consideration of this item.

Supporting documents: