Agenda item

Full Application - For the demolition of Hillcroft and a garage. Replacement with a new dwelling and double garage at Hillcroft, Sherwood Road, Tideswell, Buxton (NP/DDD/0720/0609 SPW)


The Chair and Vice Chair of Committee had visited the site on the previous day.


The Head of Development Management introduced the report, and informed Members that despite there being a number of design alterations to the proposal,  there was still fundamental issues with the scale and massing which had not been possible to resolve and that design concerns still remained.


The following addressed the Committee under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:-


·         Mr & Mrs Muchan, Objector – Statement read out by Democratic Services

·         Ms C McIntyre, Supporter – video recording

·         Mr N Foster, Applicant – video recording


Although Members had some sympathy with the Applicants aspirations to build a dwelling with less environmental impacts, it was felt that the design and massing was unacceptable.  Members considered that an entirely different design that may be more acceptable and urged the Applicant to work with Officers in future.


A motion to approve  the recommendation as set out in the report was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.





To REFUSE the application for the following reasons -


1.    The proposal would not achieve an enhancement of the site or the wider National Park and it is therefore contrary to the replacement dwelling policy Development Management Policy DMH9, this is because its design is not in accordance with the  ‘Design Guide’ and is contrary to core Strategy policy GSP3 and Development management policy DMC3.


2.    The proposal would harm the setting of the Conservation Area including views into and out of the Conservation Area so it is contrary to Core Strategy Policy L3 and Development Management Policy DMC8 and would harm the valued characteristics of the National Park so also contrary to Core Strategy policy GSP1 and L1.


Supporting documents: