Agenda item

Full Planning Application - Installation of a 15M high slimline lattice mast on a concrete base accommodating 3 no. antennas and 2 no. 600MM transmissions dishes. The proposal also involves the installation of 3 no. home office equipment cabinets, contained within a foul weather enclosure: 1 no electrical meter cabinet; 1 no generator and 1 no pole mounted 1200MM satellite dish within a 10MX10M compound surrounded by a 1.8M high mesh compound fence on Land at Cliffe House Farm, High Bradfield, NP/S/0720/0610 JK.


The Planning Officer introduced the report and reminded Members that this was a resubmission of the 2019 application that was refused on the same site.  The Planning Officer informed Members that the difference with this application was that a Woodland Management Plan had been submitted for the adjacent trees which provided a visual screening of the site and would be secured by a Planning Obligation. 


The Officer reported that extensive discussions had taken place with the applicant about possible alternative sites, but this was the only site that would supply the coverage that the emergency services needed.


The following addressed the Committee under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:-


·         Mr Adam Smedley, Home Office – Applicant – Statement read out by Democratic Services


Members asked whether fencing should be specifically included in the conditions.

The Planning Officer agreed and this would be added  to Condition 3 and to be coloured dark green so making it less obtrusive.


A motion to approve the recommendation as set out in the report, subject to an addition to Condition 3 regarding fencing, was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




That subject to the prior submission of a signed Planning Obligation in the form of a Unilateral Undertaking, securing control and long term management of the adjoining woodland in accordance with the submitted Woodland Management Plan, the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:


1.    Statutory 3 year time period for commencement.


2.    Carry out in accordance with submitted plans subject to the following conditions and or modifications;


3.    The whole of the installation, including mast, dishes and any support poles, cable gantry and fencing shall be pre-coloured prior to erection/installation in a dark green colour and having a matt finish


4.    Remove when no longer required for telecommunications purposes


5.    Carry out in full accordance with the woodland management plan.


Supporting documents: