Agenda item

Full Application - Remodel and extension of existing dwelling at White Edge, The Bent, Curbar NP/DDD/0920/0844 JK


The Chair and Vice Chair of Committee had visited the site on the previous day.


The Planning Officer introduced the report and informed Members that since the report was published, a further consultation had been undertaken on amended plans,  and that the consultation period did not expire until the week following the Committee, so the recommendation would be subject to there being no representations being received setting out new material planning considerations.  If any representation setting out new material planning considerations  that had not been previously considered, then they would be delegated to the Head of Development  Management in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of Planning for consideration.


The Planning Officer then went onto summarise the 5 letters of representation that had been received following the re-consultation,  of which most of the points had been covered previously, however the following points were made


1)    Do not believe that the submitted proposal achieves sufficient enhancement to constitute significant  enhancement required by Policy DMH9

2)    Most visible offending feature of the existing garage was the light colour of the door which could so this was easily be remedied by replacement doors or dark colouring.

3)    Existing bungalow was well built and not substandard and there were sustainability concerns with knocking it down and replacing it,  and there hasn’t been sufficient consideration of the  difference in sustainability terms between upgrading the existing  bungalow versus knocking it down to build a house.

4)    Curbar has suffered badly previously under Policy LH5 re replacement dwellings and hoped that the new Policy regarding replacement would address this concern regarding smaller houses and bungalows being replaced with much larger houses..

5)    Neighbour still concerned re privacy and amenity.

6)    Concern from local resident that given the narrowness of the lane and the traffic, a condition was needed to manage parking on the street to manage contractors


The Planning Officer also reported to Members that the National Park Ecologist had requested a scheme so that a bat habitat within the void of the roof was made specifically available for fly space for the brown long eared bats along with some bat access tiles, so the wording in Condition 11 would be enhanced to incorporate this.


The following addressed the Committee under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:-


·         Ms V Poole, Objector – live telephone call

·         Mr Games, Curbar Parish Council – live telephone call

·         Mr J Darwent, Agent – Video Recording


Some Members were concerned about  the number of roof lights, and the privacy and effect on the neighbours due to its scale,  massing, massing and height, but following the site visit on the previous day it was considered that it was a positive development than what was there currently and would be acceptable within our policies.


Cllr Gregory left the meeting at 14.55


The Head of Development Management reported that the building height would be similar to the neighbours so would not cause un-neighbourliness and that the number of roof lights was appropriate in this case.


Members queried whether it was necessary to remove every PD right and proposed a more flexible approach be taken regarding the rear of the property so that PD rights to provide fences, walls and boundary enclosures to the rear of the building should be excluded.


A motion to approve the recommendation as set out in the report, subject to amended wording for Conditions 8 and 11  was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.





To APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions and provided no further representations are received raising new material planning considerations, and that any which are raised be delegated to the Head of Development Management to consider in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of Planning Committee:



1.    Standard 3 year period for commencement of development


2.    Carry in complete accordance with the amended plans subject to the following conditions or modifications.


(i)  The omission of the first floor triangular window opening in the rear gable elevation and replace by a pair of casement frames in accordance with detailed drawings to be submitted for prior approval in writing.


3.    Submission and agreement in writing of a detailed scheme for external hard and soft landscaping works with retention of the middle two conifers shown removed on amended plans, and at a minimum eaves height of the new dwelling.  


4.    Submission and prior agreement of a sample walling panel.


5.    Submission and prior agreement of a sample of blue slate.


6.    Submit and agree detailed finish colour to all doors and windows.


7.    Prior to occupation, provide 3 no on-site parking spaces (each measuring a minimum of 2.5m x 5.5m).


8.    Withdraw Permitted Development rights for alterations to the external appearance of the dwelling, extensions, porches, ancillary buildings, solar or photovoltaic panels, gates, fences, walls or other means of boundary enclosure without the National Park Authority's prior written consent,  apart from fences, walls or other means on enclosures to the rear of boundaries of the curtilage behind the front line of the building without the National Park Authority's prior written consent.


9.    Development to be carried out in full accordance with the revised Sustainability Statement and written verification provided to the Authority following completion.


10.  Minor architectural design details, rain water goods, window recesses etc.


11.  A scheme so that a bat habitat within the void of the roof is made specifically made available for fly space for the brown long eared bats along with some bat access tiles


12.  Implement CC1 measures with post build verification.


Supporting documents: