Agenda item
Full application - Proposed new build dwelling to satisfy a local need - Town End Farm, Main Street, Chelmorton (NP/DDD/1020/0941, MN)
Cllr David Chapman left the meeting as he had declared a prejudicial interest in this item.
The Chair and Vice Chair of Committee had visited the site on the previous day.
The Planning Officer introduced the report outlining the reasons for refusal as set out in the report.
The following addressed the Committee under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:
· Mr Johnathon Devereux – applicant – Statement read out by Democratic Services
Some Members expressed their concerns regarding the requirement the dwelling to be restricted to a single bedroom dwelling of 39m2, the need for pre-determination archaeological assessment to be undertaken, and with the concerns raised by the Highways Authority regarding the access to the site.
A motion to defer the item was proposed.
Officers confirmed that the requirement for archaeological assessment was based on the known archaeological significance of Chelmorton, including findings from previous archaeological survey in an area 60 metres from the development site, and noted that Chelmorton was also a designated conservation area. It was also confirmed that this was the second application for the site; the first had been withdrawn before a decision was made, and the house now proposed remained significantly larger than that justified by the identified need despite advice from Officers being provided prior to the submission being made.
A photo displayed during the Committee meeting of the entrance to the property did not show a hedge outside of the Applicant’s control that was now in place and was two metres high and further impacted on the already sub-standard visibility from the access junction. Members discussed that the representation from the Highway Authority objected to the development due to concerns regarding the access and this objection could not be ignored.
A motion to refuse the application in line with the Officer recommendation was moved.
Officers confirmed that there had been a change to housing policy in 2019 which strengthened the requirement for affordable homes of a range of sizes and affordability to be provided in the National Park, to meet the diverse range of housing need that exists.
The motion to defer the application to discuss changes in the size to the proposed building was seconded.
The motion to defer the item was voted on and defeated.
The motion to refuse the application in line with the Officer recommendation was seconded, voted on and carried. Cllr Potter requested that her vote against the refusal was recorded.
To REFUSE the Application for the following reasons:
1. The proposed dwelling house is larger than the size justified by the identified housing need, and as a result the proposals are contrary to policy DMH1.
2. There is insufficient archaeological assessment of the site to allow an assessment of the archaeological impacts of the development to be made, contrary to policy DMC5 and the provisions of the NPPF.
3. Visibility from the site access that is within the applicants control is substandard, and it is concluded that the intensification of use arising from the proposed development would adversely affect highway safety. The proposal is contrary to policy DMT3 and the guidance within the NPPF.
Cllr Chapman re-joined the meeting on the conclusion of this item.
Supporting documents:
- Item 5 - Town End Farm, Main Street, Chelmorton, item 5/21 PDF 432 KB