Agenda item
Full Application - Conversion of Farm Buildings and the Re-Build of a Former Portion to Form Holiday Accommodation. Upper Oldhams Farm, Long Rake, Youlgrave (NP/DDD/1020/1005)
The Chair and Vice Chair of Committee had visited the site the previous day.
The Planning Officer introduced the report outlining the reasons for refusal as set out in the report. It was noted that additional information requested by the Highway Authority had been received and was acceptable.
The following addressed the Committee under the Public Participation at meetings scheme:
· Teodora Golemdzhiyska, Agent – Written statement read out by Democratic Services.
Members discussed whether the changes to the buildings were considered to have diminished their historic character. However it was still desirable to find a viable use for the buildings in order to prevent them from deteriorating and to maintain the setting, which is in close proximity to Arbor Low historic monument, access to which is through the application site.
It was noted that the Parish Council were in support of the application.
In response to Members’ queries regarding whether the scheme in front of them was the best that could be achieved, or whether there were changes that could secure a better one - Officers advised that amendments could be made to better reflect the former character of the buildings. If Members wished to approve the application then conditions would be required including an archaeological assessment of and detailed plans to be submitted for the ground source heat pump.
A motion to approve the item contrary to Officer recommendation was moved and seconded, 3 reasons were given
1. To maintain the historic plan form of the heritage asset
2. Because of the positive impact on the historic landscape, character and setting
3. To allow the historic farmstead to have a viable long term use.
Following discussion it was agreed that final conditions of approval could be delegated to Officers in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Planning Committee. Suggested conditions included time limit, development in accordance with approved plans subject to design improvements to the scheme, holiday accommodation only and ancillary to Upper Oldhams Farm, removal of permitted development rights for extensions, alterations and boundaries, details to be agreed, ground source heat pump to be installed prior to occupancy, stonework, roof lighting, no external lighting without prior approval, details of external walls and other conditions regarding amendments/omissions.
The motion to approve the application contrary to Officer recommendation subject to conditions, with final agreement of conditions delegated to the Head of Planning in consultation with Chair and Vice Chair of Planning was voted on and carried.
To APPROVE the application, subject to the Head of Planning in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of Planning Committee agreeing design improvements and finalising the conditions:
1. 3 year time limit
2. Development in accordance with submitted plans and subject to further conditions
3. The development is to be used for holiday accommodation only and be ancillary to the main farm house
4. Permitted Development Rights to be removed for extensions, alterations and changes to boundaries
5. Package Treatment Plant to be installed prior to occupation
6. Stonework and roofing details to be approved.
7. No external lighting to be installed without prior approval
8. Design details for the remainder of the scheme including windows, doors, rooflights etc to be agreed
9. A scheme of Environmental Management potentially including details of ground source heating, to be approved and implemented prior to occupation.
During consideration of this item Cllr Hart joined the meeting after experiencing IT problems.
Supporting documents:
- 1020-1005_Upper Oldhams.JRS, item 14/21 PDF 363 KB
- Item 5 - Upper Oldhams Farm, Long Rake, Youlgrave, item 14/21 PDF 416 KB