Agenda item
Roll Call of Members Present, Apologies for Absence and Members Declarations of Interest
It was noted that all Members had received two emails. One on Item 5 from Caroline McIntyre and one on Item 8 from Caroline Payne
Mr Helliwell declared a prejudicial interest in Item 5 and confirmed that he would leave the meeting and handover to the Vice Chair for that item.
Cllr Armitage declared an interest in Item 8 as he had received a letter.
Cllr Brady declared that he was slightly acquainted with the applicant in Item 8
Cllr Chaplin stated that Item 6 was within in the boundary of Sheffield City Council, however he had not been consulted and would approach the matter with an open mind.
Cllr McCloy declared a personal interest for Item 8, he had met the applicant with Officers previously and had subsequent email correspondence but he would approach the matter with an open mind.
Ms Slack declared a prejudicial interest in Item 5 as she knows the applicant well and would leave the meeting when this item was discussed.
Ms Slack declared regarding Item 8 that she knew the Agent well and so leave the meeting when this item was discussed.