Agenda item

Internal Audit Report Block 1 2020/21


The report was introduced by Ian Morton (Internal Auditor), Veritau, who confirmed that the Authority had received the highest level of Substantial Assurance and that there were no formal findings or management actions required. The three areas audited were, Payroll, Information Governance and Creditors.  It was noted that the work had been carried out remotely and Mr Morton thanked the staff involved.


The Chair congratulated Officers on a positive report.


A motion to support the recommendations was proposed and seconded, put to the vote and carried.




1.    That the Internal Audit reports for the three areas covered under Block 1 for 2020/21 (in appendices 1 to 3 of the report – Payroll, Information Governance and Creditors be received and the Substantial Assurance opinion with the requirement of no management actions noted.


Supporting documents: