Agenda item

South West Peak Landscape Partnership (SWPLP) Restoration of Two Field Barns


The report was introduced by the South West Peak Landscape Partnership Programme Manager


It was noted that the matter had come to Members due to the amount of the grant to be offered exceeding the delegation threshold.


A motion to approve the recommendation was moved.


Members requested clarification of the meaning of “provisional sums” and were advised that these are contingencies on quotes from contractors and have been scrutinised.


The motion to approve the recommendation was seconded.


Members asked what provisions had been made to ensure that the barns were used for agriculture and not converted for residential use.  Officers confirmed that it is a requirement of the grant that the barn is maintained in low key agricultural use for a minimum of 10 years.  The project is monitored by the SWPLP Cultural Heritage Officer and the build is managed by a Conservation Architect.  No grant payment will be made until each stage of the process is signed off by the Conservation Architect.


The motion was voted on and carried.




To approve the offer and payment of the SWPLP grants for the restoration of the two field barns Hobcroft Barn (£74,675) and Cundy Green Barn (£33,660).



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