Agenda item
Full Application - Change of use of barns to create 2 holiday cottages with associated works to buildings; minor alterations to listed farmhouse to enable its use as a holiday cottage; associated works to access at Greenwood Farm, Sheffield Road, Hathersage (NP/DDD/1220/1211 EG)
Mr Helliwell left the meeting due to a prejudicial interest and Mr Smith took over as Chair.
The Chair and Vice Chair had visited the site the previous day.
The Planning Officer introduced the report setting out the reasons for approval as set out in the report.
The following updates to the report were given:
- The conditions should be amended to say that the Highway works must be carried out prior to occupation rather than prior to any other works commencing.
- An additional condition was required in order to retain the boundary wall at its current height.
· The report incorrectly mentioned a new staircase. A condition is required regarding the balustrades on the existing staircase, to be agreed by Officers.
- Tree protection measures to be specified to protect a Chestnut tree during the duration of the building works.
- Existing septic tank to be replaced by a package treatment plant – final details of condition to be agreed.
- Addition of condition to regulate external lighting
- The Parish Council comments had been received and considered. Farming use would continue, as the land is farmed by another National Trust Tenant and sustainability had been considered as the site can be accessed by rail and bus. There would be no significant increase in traffic.
The following made representations to the committee under the Public Participation at meetings scheme:
- Mr Tim Hill, Hathersage Parish Clerk, Objector – Telephone call
- Mr Jon Stewart, National Trust General Manager (Peak District), Applicant, - Video presentation.
A motion to approve the application in accordance with the Officer recommendation and with additional conditions regarding the boundary wall, the balustrade on the existing staircase, a construction management plan to protect trees, regulation of external lighting and the installation of a package treatment plant, was moved and seconded.
A vote was taken and carried.
Cllr McCloy abstained from voting as he had not been present at the beginning of the discussion.
To APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions:
1. Commence development within 3 year time limit.
2. Carry out in accordance with amended plans.
3. Use of barn conversions regulated to holiday use only and maintained ancillary to farmhouse and in one planning unit.
4. Removal of Permitted Development rights.
5. Conversion to take place within the shell of the existing buildings – no rebuilding.
6. Conditions to secure minor detailed design matters – soil vent pipe, rain water goods, vents, verge detail etc.
7. Conditions to secure detailed landscaping scheme with implementation including parking and access works before occupation.
8. Landscape scheme to incorporate stone boundary walls to define new domestic curtilages with the area for barn 1 reduced and defined in accordance with detailed plan to be agreed.
9. Secure detailed programme of works to meet PDNPA built environment recommendations (pipework and electric routing to listed buildings etc.)
10. Conditions to secure archaeological recording
11. Scheme of ecological mitigation to be implemented as agreed with PDNPA ecology
12. No development to commence until the applicant has signed an agreement with Highway Authority for the implementation of mitigation works and maintenance of trees for the highway works and visibility splay on verge opposite the entrance.
13. Submission of revised sustainability scheme to meet policy CC1 incorporating air source heat pump(s)
14. Additional condition regarding the height of the boundary wall to be agreed
15. Additional condition regarding the balustrade on the existing staircase to be agreed.
16. Additional condition regarding a construction management plan to protect trees to be agreed.
17. Additional condition regarding regulation of external lighting to be agreed.
18. Additional condition regarding installation of a package treatment plant to be agreed.
Supporting documents:
- 5 - 1220-1211_Greenwood Farm JK checked, item 34/21 PDF 563 KB
- Items 9+10 - Greenwood Farm, Hathersage, item 34/21 PDF 630 KB