Agenda item
Full Major Application - Demolition of existing Ambulance Station and Riverside Ward Building, partial demolition of Cart House and wall (Grade II Curtilage Listed) and erection of New Health Centre and Ambulance Station with associated infrastructure and parking (NP/DDD/1220/1230, TS)
The Chair and Vice Chair had visited the site the previous day.
The Planning Officer introduced the report setting out the reasons for approval as set out in the report.
The Planning Officer advised the Committee that an extra condition regarding a requirement for a structural report relating to whether it was necessary for the boundary wall to be temporarily taken down to enable construction on the rest of the site, was recommended following discussion with the applicant.
The following made representations to the Committee under the Public Participation at meetings scheme:
- Mr William Jones, Supporter – telephone call
- Ms Sarah Clarke, Agent – telephone call.
A motion to approve the item in accordance with Officer recommendation with additional conditions:
· Installation of solar panels on the cycle store to provide charging points for electric bikes
· Requirement for a structural report relating to the boundary wall,
· Details of how the boundary wall would be marked in the car park to show its significance
· Removal of the pedestrian access through the boundary wall from the plan to an area outside the Conservation Area.
· Details of how waste material from the construction would be recycled where possible.
· Details of the lighting of the site
was moved and seconded.
In response to Members’ queries the Planning Officer confirmed the following:
- That a condition would be added that the Developer either provide charging points for electric bicycles or give an explanation as to why this was not possible
- Regarding parking management, as this was outside the remit of the planning application it would be up to the Healthcare Trust to consider.
- The main vehicle access to the site would remain in its existing position opposite the entrance to Aldern House but would be used more frequently. The Highways Authority had considered this carefully and were satisfied.
- Improvements to the bus stop were desirable but as they were not considered to be essential for the acceptability of the development then they would not be insisted on by way of a condition.
The Planning Officer advised that it had originally been proposed that the gable end of the cart shed be squared off however the Authority’s Conservation Officer had requested it be chamfered.
He also confirmed that a condition could be added to mark out the footprint of the cart shed, plans for external lighting could be developed via discussion with the Developer, a condition could be added to mandate an increased number of electric vehicle charging points but he was of the view that the current provision would be adequate. Further charging points could be added as and when they were required via Permitted Development Rights.
A question was raised as to the possible effect on the boundary of the Bakewell Conservation Area if the development was approved and it was agreed that this should be noted as an action for the Authority’s Cultural Heritage Team.
The motion to approve the application in accordance with Officer recommendation with additional conditions regarding the structural report regarding the need for the demolition of the boundary wall, how the boundary wall would be marked in the car park, the demarcation of the footprint of the cart shed, the addition of electric charging points for bicycles, how waste materials from the construction work would be disposed of and details of the lighting on the site, the details of which would be delegated to officers, was put to the vote and carried.
To APPROVE the application subject to the conditions to control the following:
1. Commence development within 3 years.
2. Carry out in accordance with specified amended plans and supporting information.
3. Define and limit approved use to be as a Health Centre.
4. No development shall take place including any works of demolition until a construction management plan or construction method statement has been submitted to and been approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved plan/statement shall be adhered to throughout the construction period. The statement shall provide for:
• Parking of vehicles of site operatives and visitors
• Routes for construction traffic, including abnormal loads/cranes etc.
• Hours of operation
• Method of prevention of debris being carried onto highway
• Pedestrian and cyclist protection
• Proposed temporary traffic restrictions
• Arrangements for turning vehicles
5. The car park the subject of the application shall not be laid out or brought into use until full details of layout and landscaping including:
I) materials
ii) details of physical expression of historic boundary and
iii) alternative pedestrian entrance which does not break through the boundary wall immediately adjacent to the Carthouse is submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority
6. The premises the subject of the application shall not be occupied until the cycle parking facilities shown on site plan A5157 0202 P12 are implemented and made available for use. The cycle parking facilities shall thereafter be retained for use by the occupants of, and visitors to, the development at all times.
7. There shall be no gates or other barriers within 10m of the nearside highway boundary and any gates shall open inwards only, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
8. The Approved Travel Plan shall be implemented in accordance with the timescales specified therein, to include those parts identified as being implemented prior to occupation and following occupation, unless alternative timescales are agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. The Approved Travel Plan shall be monitored and reviewed in accordance with the agreed Travel Plan targets.
9. Submit for written agreement full details of the landscaping scheme comprising both hard and soft external works together with implementation timetable. Scheme to include treatment of rear boundaries. Thereafter complete and maintain in full accordance with approved scheme.
10. Submit for written agreement full details of an amended external lighting scheme which omits tall lighting poles and includes bollard lighting and reduces on building lighting and thereafter complete in full accordance with agreed scheme. The scheme shall include lighting timing to ensure that lighting is not on all night and only minimal movement sensitive lighting is used at the Ambulance Service provision overnight.
11. Submit revised detailing for fenestration in:
- primary north western elevation windows on the gables
- replacement of triple opening on south west elevation with double opening of reduced size.
12. Approval of sample panels of stone, external paving, surfacing, zinc and roofing materials.
13. Approval of door and window details/finishes.
14. Specify minor detailed design matters e.g. Rain water goods, other joinery details.
15. Carry out the development in full accordance with the recommendations set out in the submitted Final Ecology Report ref 9537_R_APPR_20117.
16. The development hereby permitted shall not commence until drainage plans for the disposal of surface water and foul sewage have been submitted to and approved by The Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details before the development is first brought into use.
17. No development shall take place until a Written Scheme of Investigation for a scheme of archaeological monitoring and recording has been submitted to and approved by the local planning authority in writing.
18. Scheme shall not be brought into use until solar panels and EV charging points are brought into use.
19. Condition regarding a report of the requirement for the temporary demolition of boundary wall to be agreed.
20. Condition regarding recycling materials from demolition, to be agreed.
21. Condition regarding demarcation of footprint of cart shed to be agreed.
22. Provision of electric charging points for electric bicycles to be agreed.
Footnotes / Informative covering the following:-
No works within the limits of the public highway without the formal agreement of the Highway Authority. Public transport services in the vicinity of the site must not be adversely affected by the works.
Prevention of mud or other extraneous material being carried out of the site and deposited on the public highway.
Effective monitoring of the Travel Plan recommended by the Highway Authority using the STARS For Travel plan toolkit:
Drainage footnotes covering such matters as the need for relevant consents regarding sustainable drainage and surface water disposal.
Advertisement consent required separately to permit signage
Supporting documents:
1 - 1220-1230_Newholme ful, item 30/21
PDF 434 KB
Items 5+6 Newholme Hospital, item 30/21
PDF 492 KB