Agenda item
New Affordable Housing - Floorspace Thresholds (BT/IF)
The report was introduced by the Head of Planning.
Members discussed whether policy regarding the size of affordable housing in relation to the needs of applicants, had remained consistent since the last Local Plan Review and the adoption of the Development Management Polices. If a change had occurred outside of this process, there were concerns that this would not have been subject to adequate public discussion and scrutiny.
The Head of Planning explained that adopted Development Management policies sought to strengthen the strategic policy aim for more affordable homes through a range of sizes and types of accommodation responding to identified needs. Recent cases were bedding in this approach and had led to a change of emphasis on privately developed schemes.
The tension between providing affordable housing which might be suitable for growing families and maintaining a turnover of housing supply that could remain affordable in perpetuity was also discussed.
It was suggested that a working party consisting of Members and Officers, could be formed, preferably through the existing Member Local Plan Steering Group, to discuss and investigate this matter further outside of the Committee.
Cllr Richardson left the meeting at 3.09pm
To note the report.
Supporting documents:
- FLOORSPACE STANDARDS REPORTbjtfinal, item 37/21 PDF 460 KB
- Appendix 1 - Floorspace, item 37/21 PDF 516 KB