Agenda item

To be moved by Cllr G Claff and seconded by Cllr D Birkinshaw:

“The National Park Authority will adopt a constructive position in relation to the proposed developments to the A628 with due regard for National Park objectives and the National and Regional interests.”


“The National Park Authority will adopt a constructive position in relation to the proposed developments to the A628 with due regard for National Park objectives and the National and Regional interests.”


The wording of the motion was amended and extended with the agreement of the mover and seconder as follows:


“The National Park Authority will adopt a constructive approach in relation to the proposed developments to the A628 with due regard for National Park objectives and the National and Regional interests. The Authority’s response on consultations will not be delegated to officers and will be considered by Members at an Authority meeting.”


The amended motion was moved, seconded, voted upon and carried.




That the National Park Authority will adopt a constructive approach in relation to the proposed developments to the A628 with due regard for National Park objectives and the National and Regional interests. The Authority’s response on consultations will not be delegated to officers and will be considered by Members at an Authority meeting.